Speeding in the Gutless??


New Member
Aug 20, 2006
I was on my way to my friends shop when a cop clocked me doing 7mph over the limit. He pulled me over and asked if I knew how fast I was going and if I knew the speed limit for that road. I said I had no idea how fast I was doing since I was to busy eating ice cream :D As for the speed limit of the road I figured about 35-40mph...it was 35mph. Then the cop asked why I didn't have a sticker on my car. I mentioned I was about to install a new windshield...that sticker has caused me more greef than anything else. It's a long "the tax office gave me the wrong sticker and called my butt countles times to trade it" story. I took out the new sticker I had in the glove box and showed it to him. Anyhow, I also couldn't find a current insurence ID card. I told him it's been in the shop for months and hadn't thought about it. So he let me go on the speeding and gave me a no insurence ticket. While he was filling out the ticket he asked if my car was an Olds Cutless :eek: Ok the cop was pretty cool up until now lol I said no, it's Regal...he than asked what make...who makes the Regal :mad:

As for the no insurence ID card. Yes I have insurence. This is the second time I've been pulled over for speeding but let go in favor of a no insurence ID card. I'm just lazy about updating my cards. Anyways, it's my theroy that cops go for the big ticket and they play the numbers. A insurence ticket is a huge ticket compared to 7mph over a limit. So they let you go on the speeding to make you feel like you got a small break while at the same time playing the odds that you really don't have insurence. So I'm going to continue not having my ID card on times I'm pulled over for spedding etc and see what happens.
In 1984 I got pulled for running a red light in my 69 Chevelle.

I had my moms 1972 Olds Vista Cruiser station wagon tag on it.

Cop calls in the tag and he looks at the car and says "This is a Oldsmobile"?

I'm like "yeah". He writes me a ticket on the trunk right next to the 'Chevelle by chevrolet' emblem. :D :cool:
Where I live they impound your car for no proof on ins. Amazing that a 1cent piece of paper can cost you 500 if misplaced.
Where I live they impound your car for no proof on ins. Amazing that a 1cent piece of paper can cost you 500 if misplaced.

Now that is BS :mad: I can see a ticket...even a slightly heavy ticket but impounding a car is crazy. I'm not sure about this ticket but last time they just dismissed it when I took them a copy of my insurence. It took awhile since they actually call and make sure it's a legit card. Used too, people would just make their own cards at home. So they cought on to it.
Notice he lives in Illinois.. If there was ever a hotbed of crooked politicians it's there!
I was going to say something but I didn't want to knock someone's state. Oh well, it's a new day and I better get to calling my insurence company for a new ID card.
I think the police should have a link to Insurance company policies,if they find you have no insurance they can put a bullet in their head and throw you back over the boarder ,thats what they should have done to the Spanish guy that totaled my van by hitting me in the rear last week,(him) uhhh no speak engrish (cop) speaks to him in spanish,(him) uhhh no speaky that either :mad: :mad:
Sorry to rant....lock the boarder already....:eek: :eek:

You should have told him it was an old's, then you could have gotten the ticket dismissed on a technicallity.;)

I have respect for the law, but there are some officers that get under my skin!:mad: