SPOOLFOOL2 Has some competition!!!

I was in free-flight once for about 1 second when I decided to walk off of the back stairs backwards. Stupid chute did not open either. I did not have as much fun as Mike does when he jumps I am sure. Just like they say, it's that sudden stop at the end that gets you.

I heard your poop chute opened as soon as you went airborne....:eek:
What happened to all your hair? Did you lose a bet or something???
Donated it to (Locks of love) cancer patents. :)
The first time jumping after getting it cut, I thought my helmet was going to fly off from being too loose.:eek: :D

Mike B.
Donated it to (Locks of love) cancer patents. :)
The first time jumping after getting it cut, I thought my helmet was going to fly off from being too loose.:eek: :D

Mike B.

And Mike, your selfless donation only proves my point once more.

You sir, are a REAL hero. Not some completely sponsored, high dollar, whiney whiz punk trying to make a name for himself.

You prove time and again it's not all about you, but about helping your fellow man.

Thanks for being you!
I second that about Mike B. He is a real hero. Always puts his fellow man ahead of himself. Dedicated family man, too. What would we have without his bumper fillers, getting the lifters built / modified. One off rims. My car would never be where it is today without Mike's help & dedication to my car.
Ahhh shucks guys.o_O Don't lift me up too high or I'll come crashing down. I'm just a bumper filler prostitute, with an adrenaline addiction. If the bumper filler thing doesn't work out, I think I may have potential as a Rogaine salesman.

Back on topic. Fearless Felix's next attempt. This Sunday.:)

Mike B.

I haven't seem you without hair for so long I hardly recognized you! Sorry to hear that you're not half man half chia pet anymore. :( Locks of love is a good cause and I'm glad you decided to donate your hair. I have a guy I work with that grows his out for a few years at a time until he looks like Cousin It from the Adams Family and then donates it too. Very cool! I guess you'll just have to start over now. :D

Yea! It was getting to be a PITA to jump with the long hair. In free fall it would get all knotted up to the point that it was almost impossible to comb out. Here's a picture of me before and after a jump.



Mike B.
Mike why dont you post one of your videos while free falling, that would be cool to see, hold a turbo on your hands while at it and face it downwards and lets try to find out how much boost it can built from the velocity coming down.. lol
Mike why dont you post one of your videos while free falling, that would be cool to see, hold a turbo on your hands while at it and face it downwards and lets try to find out how much boost it can built from the velocity coming down.. lol
Will you hold the boost gauge next to me while I do it?:D

Nines capable? Jump capable? :rolleyes:

Mike B.
"9's Capable" seems to be one of those talking points here in the Southwest Section. :eek:

Or one of those "never to be spoken again" points.....

Sometimes I get confused.:D
Get some shoes, hippie !! :D
If I could have afforded shoes I could have afforded a hair cut. Now that I've been selling you guys bumper fillers, I was able to pay for both of them.;) Mean Chicken must be making BIG BUCKS if he can afford to keep his hair cut that short all the time.:p

Mike B.