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SR7 Performance - anyone here dealt with them?


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Chris isn't the most computer literate Greek guy.
I spoke with him today and he will be sending me the pics to post in the next day or two.

I'll be giving him a class of instruction on how to use Photobucket and the IMG tags. :D

Any specific requests as to what to photograph?
Chris isn't the most computer literate Greek guy.
I spoke with him today and he will be sending me the pics to post in the next day or two.

I'll be giving him a class of instruction on how to use Photobucket and the IMG tags. :D

Any specific requests as to what to photograph?

I knew there had to be a logical explination. ;) Maybe the first pic should be the case i.d. # CPT requested? I think ANYBODY can get some pic's of bad hard parts.
Are you too stupid to understand what everyone needs to see, or needs to be posted? You have to provide a build number that ALL of our transmissions are stamped with BEFORE you throw a bunch of pictures up here of someone elses transmission. Without those numbers, nothing you post will be valid.

Any specific requests as to what to photograph?

The first picture should be of the case ID stamp. Without that, no other pictures are valid, because it's not my transmission.

I asked the question of what needs to be posted not Chris.
I did so for the general benefit of all who are interested, just to be sure Chris can provide what you say will be proof or lack of.

without going back and re-reading all the posts, you said the numbers are on the drivers side case near or on the bell?

Now the question is,
Chris can post pics of any trans with any numbers in that general area, and the only person who will actually know if it is yours or not, is obviously you.
So can you say, without making it too easy to counterfeit, what the number of digits may be (how many digits, numeric or alpha numeric, 2 letters, 3 numbers, etc) so that when the pics are posted if they don't match your stampings it will be obvious, or if they do, it will be fairly obvious it is yours.

Basically a way to keep it honest.
Chris can post a pic of your unit, and you could deny it, and it is still your word against his.
He could post a pic of another persons unit, and as far as all of us are concerned, it is still your word against his.

If you say for example it would be a 6 digit alpha-numeric with CPTxxx being an example.

Or the first letter would be the customers last name initial, next three being CPT, then a 4 digit string of numbers, etc.

Now that I've confused myself, maybe ya'll can figure it out. LOL
I knew there had to be a logical explination. ;) Maybe the first pic should be the case i.d. # CPT requested? I think ANYBODY can get some pic's of bad hard parts.

Who cares what the parts look like. ALL that stuff looks the same out of any 4L60 trans if you ask me.

Frank is taking the trans apart now, it appears the hard parts are in there. At least the input shaft is.

Frank said the "I" or "eye" clip that holds the pressure regulator valve in came out and pushed the pressure regulator out. He said there may be other damage in the trans from this. He will let me know later.

Scott, if you are reading this(and I know you are) care to pick up the bill? For YOUR mistake? Or refund me the $800 for a trans that didn't work?

BTW the trans hit the ground there today, Frank is already looking at it...WHAT A CONCEPT!

**EDIT** Frank said no other damage, good thing I babied it home! We are going to change some things to HIS liking though.


Any updates on what was found in your trans?
Any updates on what was found in your trans?

All the hard parts were in there. If they were not I was considering a road trip:D .

I am really suprised someone has not cleaned this guys plow the way he treates people.

Any update on those CPT trans number from CK? Enquiring minds wanna know.

For the record: Dave,no matter what luck or bad luck you might be having,originally,you sent me the wrong core,4 years later,which is now out of warranty,you were given a new trans,with a one year warranty,and a small bill to cover it,under the new warranty, it is stated real simple the conditions of what i will cover and what i won't,but almost every conversation i have with you is,insults,bad-mouthing,swearing ,calling me names,which is real unprofessional( and you are a service writer ?) and childish, you have accused me of ripping you off,not putting all the parts in,and using the web to justify your actions,but you have left out all this,of course you would,because it justifies somebody not wanting to deal with you,if it was ( as you say ) the boost valve falling out,it is a $ 75.00 fix,I would have been more than glad to help you,and I was even after 4 years,and i don't see on anyone elses web page a 4 year warranty! But you lost me when the accusations started,the swearing,name calling,thief,and the non-stop verbal abuse,so good luck.
I have been doing this for 28 years,I make alot of people happy,not everyone,but i'm known for going above and beyond in alot of a cases.
I have a big shop,but I do my own work,my customers after 28 years prefer it that way.
I don't claim to be things i'm not,I'm just like everyone else,just trying to make a living at what I'm good at.
And for future advise,you get alot more with honey than you do vinegar.
I have gotten more positive responses than negatives ones from all of this,so thanks dave,and to show my appreciation,I would be more than glad to pay for your plan ticket! Have a nice day, scott
One more: I'm really shocked to say the least to see were this has all gone,everyone going at each other,the bickering,whining,accusations,you know it is easy to hide behind a name on the internet,and go at someone. dave ,sorry things between us didn't go better,wish they did,will I bad mouth you,no,will I attack you personally ( via web ) no,not my style.
i don't claim to be the best,just good at what i do
and no I'm not perfect.
i just won't deal with someone who attacks me at every given opportunity,right or wrong

And for the rest,I moved from vegas to northern nevada,because I lived there and was tired of commuting ( 7 years )
Don't owe anybody any money,cause i'm COD with all my suppliers
Don't recall ever throwing anyone out of my shop ( anyone that knows me would laugh at that one, I'm too easy going)
And I warranty my product ( so luke,care to refresh my memory),send me an e-mail at scott@
And I give a 1 year on all transmissions,racing included
Am I hiding from anyone,nope,pretty easy to find

I have a booth at alot of events on the west,from racing,to car shows,so come say hi.

And these were my hours when in vegas,from 5am to 6pm
then go to the track from 6pm to 12 am ( at my booth or spectate )
then build from 12am to 4am for anyone that needed help
Did this for 7 years

I'm happy were I'm at
Proud of the fact i got my start at ART CARR,when he owned it.
feel lucky and privliged actually,how many other builders can say they worked or was taught at one of the best facilities in its time.
I worked with alot of great guys there too
Maybe some of you guys are too young to remember,but it was ART Carr and B&M back in the day

And for the rest that have taken the opportunity to attack my business and me personally,get a life

Other than that, hope everyone has a good day, SR7
For the record: Dave,no matter what luck or bad luck you might be having,originally,you sent me the wrong core,4 years later,which is now out of warranty,you were given a new trans,with a one year warranty,and a small bill to cover it,under the new warranty, it is stated real simple the conditions of what i will cover and what i won't,but almost every conversation i have with you is,insults,bad-mouthing,swearing ,calling me names,which is real unprofessional( and you are a service writer ?) and childish, you have accused me of ripping you off,not putting all the parts in,and using the web to justify your actions,but you have left out all this,of course you would,because it justifies somebody not wanting to deal with you,if it was ( as you say ) the boost valve falling out,it is a $ 75.00 fix,I would have been more than glad to help you,and I was even after 4 years,and i don't see on anyone elses web page a 4 year warranty! But you lost me when the accusations started,the swearing,name calling,thief,and the non-stop verbal abuse,so good luck.
I have been doing this for 28 years,I make alot of people happy,not everyone,but i'm known for going above and beyond in alot of a cases.
I have a big shop,but I do my own work,my customers after 28 years prefer it that way.
I don't claim to be things i'm not,I'm just like everyone else,just trying to make a living at what I'm good at.
And for future advise,you get alot more with honey than you do vinegar.
I have gotten more positive responses than negatives ones from all of this,so thanks dave,and to show my appreciation,I would be more than glad to pay for your plan ticket! Have a nice day, scott

Boy you have a REAL memory problem, dont you? I never said ONE sideways word to you until I got a bill faxed to me for $567. 3 TIMES what I was quoted!!! Initially I was quoted NO CHARGE! ANd for the record I have $840 in a trans that lasted SIXTEEN MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT $567, and in case you didnt know $840 is NOT a "small fee"!!!!!!!!!! Over and above the $1900 I paid you the first time PLUS the $700 in hard parts I sent up there.

You dont have a CLUE as to what you are doing Scott, you argued me UP AND DOWN that a 93 F body does not have a TV cable.....and it does.

You also said that a 93-94 transmision case in an F Body is the same...and they are not.

You took all the electronics and front pump out of the trans that I had already paid for and did not return them...I GAURANTEE you they went into another trans.

You TRIED to screw me on the freight collect back to me, telling me it was only an "extra $30" to have it there in 5 days and writing "hot" on the trans and that you had it "all set up"..... another lie, Old Dominion had no scheduled pickup on Monday from your place. I called to verify and in the process I did it myself.....expedited freight in 5 days to me was $365 and I would have had to pay it to get the trans. You almost got me.

Scott I remember EVERYTHING that is told me. Every lie you told I remember.

I dont care if you "badmouth" me or not...I am not a business owner who screwed and lied to a customer..that would be YOU. And I am finding a few more that are not happy with the way you do business.

As far as me being "sued" for slander, I haven't seen any papers from your lawyer. By the way, it is ONLY slander if it is a lie, not if it is the truth.You have no case.

I am a man of character and integrity...If I tell you is gonna happen. Believe that. I dont lie to or cheat people.

And for the record you DID calim to be the best over the phone amidst all of the crap you spew out trying to convince me or you that you are a transmission specialist? I never attacked you until you faxed me a bill for 3 times the quote and 30 days over the quoted time. Then made up some crap about keeping my 96 stuff, the harness had a pinched wire...come on Scott. It is in another trans...who you foolin?

You get the trans on a pallet ready to ship(supposedly, after many promises of WHEN IT WILL SHIP) and tell me I need a tech sheet filled out????:confused: WTF? AFTER it is together and ready to ship..that STILL blows my mind. Tech sheet should have been filled out when the trans hit the ground there!

EVERYONE in business knows why you get PUT on c.o.d. it is because you don't pay your bills. You dont do it by choice. PLEASE!

Then I call you when the POS trans went t!ts up in SIXTEEN miles!! I tell you the conditions I needed after you had already screwed me once. You fax an agreement without your signature and without a turnaround time...two things I told you HAD to be on there. Then at the bottom it says:

"Gentlemens agreement"

No negative posting of any kind via internet.

What you afraid of Scott? This is a FREE country. You should not screw people if you are afraid of being called out on the net...the net is an excellent form of "checks and balances" dont ya think?

You told me a STRING of lies, you weren't true to your word. I am, STILL paying for your screw up. By the time this is done I will have a $4500 transmission!!

As far as plane ticket and "showing me some appreciation" believe me when I tell you this...I would LOVE for that to happen. An agreement would probably need to be signed for that to happen:biggrin:

As far as me being a service writer, people call and REQUEST me...know why? I am frank, straight up and to the point..I do not lie to my customers, they can BANK on what I tell them as far as cost and when the truck will be ready....or when it will NOT be should try that sometime. It is a WHOLE lot easier to keep up with than not being truthfull. My customers demand the truth, they PLAN a whole day or week or month around what I tell them about a truck in this shop.Their business depends on what I tell them.

As far as the wrong core, you KNEW we were doing a manual to auto swap...I GAURANTEE you my Dad told you what we had. It is not my fault you did not get a tech sheet on the trans, that is YOUR responsibility, it was even MORE imperitive that you knew because of the differences in years from far as the vacuum modulator goes, the cam I have in MY engine is smaller than what my Dad had in his(that WAS going in the car) so how was it suposed to work? And on top of that it took NINE MONTHS to get the trans the first time and I sent you ALL the hard parts going in the thing:confused:

After I sent the fax back expalining that I was not sending the trans back after the 16 miles it went....why did my phone ring off the hook? What were you worrying about?? If you do not belive me about the valve coming out, call Cahall...he will tell you. He has the trans now.

I must say Scott, you are a real peice of work. I will never deal with you again
Life is too short and money too hard to come by to deal with business owners like yourself.

Now, YOU have a nice day.

Keeping this alive....I want to see if CK can produce numbers to verify that CPT built the trans.


Frank@CPT told me the reason the boost valve came out is Scott had the wrong one in the trans. There is a short and long valve...he had the long ine in and the lock ring would not go into the groove.

And Scott@SR7 is a TRANS "specialist":confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :cool: :D

I asked the question of what needs to be posted not Chris.
I did so for the general benefit of all who are interested, just to be sure Chris can provide what you say will be proof or lack of.

without going back and re-reading all the posts, you said the numbers are on the drivers side case near or on the bell?

Now the question is,
Chris can post pics of any trans with any numbers in that general area, and the only person who will actually know if it is yours or not, is obviously you.
So can you say, without making it too easy to counterfeit, what the number of digits may be (how many digits, numeric or alpha numeric, 2 letters, 3 numbers, etc) so that when the pics are posted if they don't match your stampings it will be obvious, or if they do, it will be fairly obvious it is yours.

Basically a way to keep it honest.
Chris can post a pic of your unit, and you could deny it, and it is still your word against his.
He could post a pic of another persons unit, and as far as all of us are concerned, it is still your word against his.

If you say for example it would be a 6 digit alpha-numeric with CPTxxx being an example.

Or the first letter would be the customers last name initial, next three being CPT, then a 4 digit string of numbers, etc.

Now that I've confused myself, maybe ya'll can figure it out. LOL

I think there was some good points in that post about the tranny numbers. I'm sure when CK Performance is done with the 3 cars ahead of the CPT trans all this info will come forward as he said, why would he lie?? :confused: Let's let the FACTS & pictures speak for themselves when & "IF" they become available.
Chris has the pictures and has already fixed the other trans.
I had volunteered to post the pics for Chris when he gets ready to post them.

However I was coaching him on how to do so himself yesterday. We'll get him into the 21st Centruy one of these days.

Unless a method is figured out so that when the numbers are posted that will prove or disprove whether they are Frank's to the casual observer, it is still Frank's vs. Chris's word.

Chris can post up pics of any trans with numbers on it, and Frank can deny the same. We won't know.

The only way I can see this working is if several unbiased observers were sent a (different) partial of the numbers on the trans Chris has, and Frank posted how the numbers might appear after these were sent out.
That way Chris has no way of knowing Frank's "code" before the pics are posted, and Frank can't back out of it if the numbers match his code.
Chris has the pictures and has already fixed the other trans.
I had volunteered to post the pics for Chris when he gets ready to post them.

However I was coaching him on how to do so himself yesterday. We'll get him into the 21st Centruy one of these days.

Unless a method is figured out so that when the numbers are posted that will prove or disprove whether they are Frank's to the casual observer, it is still Frank's vs. Chris's word.

Chris can post up pics of any trans with numbers on it, and Frank can deny the same. We won't know.

The only way I can see this working is if several unbiased observers were sent a (different) partial of the numbers on the trans Chris has, and Frank posted how the numbers might appear after these were sent out.
That way Chris has no way of knowing Frank's "code" before the pics are posted, and Frank can't back out of it if the numbers match his code.

I will have my CPT trans by this Friday. After Chris posts his pics of the trans ID numbers. I will post what mine look like.

i don't claim to be the best,just good at what i do
and no I'm not perfect.
i just won't deal with someone who attacks me at every given opportunity,right or wrong

Don't owe anybody any money,cause i'm COD with all my suppliers
Don't recall ever throwing anyone out of my shop ( anyone that knows me would laugh at that one, I'm too easy going)
And I warranty my product ( so luke,care to refresh my memory),send me an e-mail at scott@
And I give a 1 year on all transmissions,racing included
Am I hiding from anyone,nope,pretty easy to find

I have a booth at alot of events on the west,from racing,to car shows,so come say hi.

And these were my hours when in vegas,from 5am to 6pm
then go to the track from 6pm to 12 am ( at my booth or spectate )
then build from 12am to 4am for anyone that needed help
Did this for 7 years

I'm happy were I'm at
Proud of the fact i got my start at ART CARR,when he owned it.
feel lucky and privliged actually,how many other builders can say they worked or was taught at one of the best facilities in its time.
I worked with alot of great guys there too
Maybe some of you guys are too young to remember,but it was ART Carr and B&M back in the day

And for the rest that have taken the opportunity to attack my business and me personally,get a life

Other than that, hope everyone has a good day, SR7

Scott, I would love to refresh your memory and Im sure I already have but You have screwed so many people how could you possibly remember them all.
I see you still haven't changed with all your BS and long winded lies. I knew there would be a day when it all starts to catch up with you. My words of advice that Im sure you have heard many times already is be careful whom you screw.

I think there was some good points in that post about the tranny numbers. I'm sure when CK Performance is done with the 3 cars ahead of the CPT trans all this info will come forward as he said, why would he lie?? :confused: Let's let the FACTS & pictures speak for themselves when & "IF" they become available.

How long does it take to build 3 transmissions? Is this CK guy on the same schedule as Scott@SR7? One trans a MONTH? I can R&R a F Body trans in 2 hours ON MY BACK!

I want to see some NUMBERS! I can verify the numbers when I get my trans from CPT. I will have my CPT trans(hopefully) on the 7th of Sept. Damn all this sh!t talking, BACK IT UP! Send the pics to me, I will post them.... Grow a 'em up.

Scott, come on down to Cruising the Coast in Oct. I told you ALL about it...even offered you a place to stay(before you screwed me) Let me show YOU some SOUTHERN "appreciation" as you call it LMFAO. You travel all over or so you say....come on down!:cool:
