Stay the heck away from AT&T DSL or Local phone service


Mar 10, 2003
Hello all!

Today will likely be the end of my saga to try to get AT&T Local and DSL service in my house. You all might remember me asking a few people about it a few months back, and I tried to establish services back in the middle of January. Aside from about 6 days of DSL service to my house I have nothing to show for it besides a lot of stress and frustration. I had a final talk with a supervisor in DSL sales today, and they saw fit to keep some charges on my bill that I don't feel I deserve, so I am giving them the boot.

I won't go into all of the details with what has happened, but here is a somewhat short chronology for the interested:

- I ordered DSL and Local service on the same call to AT&T on January 15th
- SWBell had a lock on my line, so the local order #1 didn't go through. The DSL order did go through.
- Got the lock removed, but now AT&T couldn't hook up local service because it had DSL on the line
- Got the DSL removed so local could be hooked up; hence the 6 days of DSL.
- Local service order #2 got lost, placed another one.
- Local service orders #3 and #4 got cancelled. I later found out this was because I was still in the system as having DSL even though it had been disconnected for 3 weeks by that time.
- Waited an additional 2 weeks for my account to update to show that DSL was actually disconnected. (I was told that the timeframe for this update to go through is generally 30 days following the end of the billing cycle you have it disconnected in, so in my case this was something on the order of 40 days.)
- Placed Local service order #5
- SWBell had replaced the lock on my line, so local service order #5 didn't go through.
- Removed the new SWBell lock, placed local service order #6
- Local service was finally connected last week. This meant that thanks to their screw-ups, I had to pay 3 extra months of SWBell phone bills.
- I called to order my DSL and was told that I would now have to wait until April 12th for the hookup because my old DSL email account was still in the system. Once again, I would have to wait for the end of a billing cycle.
- I opened my March phone bill last night and there was a $395 charge on it for early DSL account termination even though AT&T told me to do it in the first place.
- I called and was told that AT&T would get rid of some of the charges, but I would have to send back the DSL router to get back more of it.
- I shipped back the router, and my April phone bill did not reflect any of the charges being reduced. I was additionally being charged for some long distance phone calls that should never have been itemized under my "unlimited calling" plan, and I was getting socked for all of the fractions of a month that I had tried to get local service connected over the past 3 months. Total bill was over $500.

That was the proverbial last straw. I was getting rid of SWBell in the first place because I hate their poor customer service, and I got rewarded with a lesson in how bad AT&T's service really is. After logging over 15 hours on the phone, and conversations with almost 50 different customer service reps over the past four months, they tagged me with a whopping $500 bill for their mistakes. If I actually WANTED to stay with them, they say I'll still have to wait another 3+ weeks to get DSL service. I have talked to them again today and they now say they are "only" going to charge me $75 for those fractions of a month when I was unsuccessfully trying to get local service. I'm a patient guy, I tried to play by their rules, and I'm still getting screwed. Based on this fiasco, I would not recommend anyone out there even think about using AT&T's DSL or Local phone service.

My opinion: if you are thinking of switching, don't. Deal with the crap service from SWBell or whomever, it's the lesser of two evils.

Tell your friends. I'm telling all of mine.

Thanks for the time!

- Freed
welcome to the lovely world of Telecom. There are horror stories with every company. Sucks that you got burned by one of the oldest ones around. American Telegraph & Telephone Company (AT&T) has been around since the late 1800's.

I feel your pain.... Been through something similar myself when setting up the DSL in my house.

I'm surprised you didn't go postal.......I would have....what a story....This is why I put up with Time Warner's monopolistic extortion of $45/month for cable....
Contact the FCC and the PUC in your state, they love to hear of these horror stories. If enough people complain these companies will be fined. I feel nothing for ATT Local and Cable companies as they are against free market competition. Remember ATT was broken up years ago and are now just getting back into DSL and dialtone.

DSL prices are dropping, in Phoenix you can get 1 plus meg for under $30 a month if you loop qualify.

New equipment is now allowing people who were once to far from the Central Office to get DSL. It is being installed in a lot of neighborhoods in Phoenix so I expect most major cities are also deploying.

1 Meg up, 1.3 meg down
That's amazing...

Thank you for sharing. I will certainly stay away now. I do take warning like this seriously. This is what makes and breaks companies and people. Word of mouth. Strongest form of advertising I know.

Whenever I deal with companies like this I make sure every time I have to call I go one step higher. I can be a real annoying SOB, but only when I have reason to be. Like you, I'm very patient and understand, but don't start ticking me off.

I really hope you are taking action so as to not pay any of their demands. As you said you spent 15 hours on the phone with them. Think about your profession and what your time is worth and use that as a rate for 15 hours. I'm sure it'll be more then that $75 they are trying to stick you for.

Once again, thanks for the heads up.
All the phone companies are a bunch of crooks.

I had some of the same problems with Verizon.
It took them nearly 2 months just to get my local service turned on, and onto the right number. They never showed up when they said they would. Heck, the first 3 weeks of that I had nothing, I was just trying to get them to show up here at all. They tell me no one had to be home to hook it up. Then they told me someone did have to be here, and couldnt figure out why I was told no one had to be here. Then they setup a time to be here, they never show up. I tell them I had to work, and wouldnt be home until 2. They told me it was no problem. Guess what? They came at 1 while I was still at work.
After 3 weeks of just trying to get it working, they managed to cross the lines with someone else. Took another 4 tries over the next 3 or so weeks to get it right.
I would never had gone with a landline here, but I am just far enough out of tower range to use my cell. In my last place, I used the cell exclusively for a year, and had DSL.
And recently, they had shut off my serivce for some glitch in their billing system, and had the nerve to charge me a reconnection fee!
Legalized robbery..!!!!:mad:
And you dont even want to get me started on NYSEG (NY State Electric & Gas). Out here, they can treat you like crap because you have no other choice.
After reading your post and being a telephone repairman your first mistake was using two different companies. DSL is your local line,its the same thing. DSL is at a different frequency over the voice portion. Since 1996 the telecom companies were broke up as monopolies. One company owns and maintains all the lines in a certain area. The main provider has to sell lines to all competitors but still maintains all lines to the house only. Thats why is better to just use the main company and cut out the middle man. DSL cannot run outside of 18,000 FT of copper wire. We are in the process of runnning DSL through fiber but alot of work is involved. Go with the main provider and your problems will be alot less. Hope this helps a little if you have local service the company should be able to check for the wire length and tell you if its available in a few minutes on the phone.
A friend tried to sign up for ATT broadband. They said, "sure it'll work out for you." Installation guy comes out and says "It won't work on your computer". The ATT guy ends up breaking the computer. ATT has the nerve to charge my friend over $200 for installation fee for a product he never had installed. He has been fighting them for a while about these charges, but so far they aren't budging. I hope experiences like these make people think twice about dealing with a company like this. Serves them right. If they would do whats "right" instead of whatever they can get away with, folks wouldn't have to post about experiences like this.
Originally posted by hang10
Freester-what occupation are you in?

I'm a Windows Network Administrator.

I guess that's one of the reasons why this chaps my hide so much -- I'm used to dealing with Tech support people, and I STILL got the run-around.

- Freed