steering wheel


New Member
Feb 2, 2003
dumb question but i am trying to put a new one on. i took off the horn button,the clamp and then the big bolt holding it on and it still wont come off. am i forgetting something. lol it shoulnd't b this difficult to do this i feel dumb.
i just need the steering wheel off i dont really need to adjust the steering column thanks for the link but it didn't really show y my wheel wont come off. anyone else?
Go to your local auto parts store, rent a steering wheel puller. Or just whack the center shaft with a B.F. Hammer while you pull on the wheel, but don't damage the threads.
Originally posted by 2 QK 4 U
Go to your local auto parts store, rent a steering wheel puller. Or just whack the center shaft with a B.F. Hammer while you pull on the wheel, but don't damage the threads.

That's what I do, but a puller is a better idea for most - it's a collapsible column, and may collapse! :eek:
Just unscrew the nut to the end of the threads and hold some pressure pulling the wheel towards you and hit the nut with a good dead blow hammer. After a couple hits it should come loose, no problem.
Tarey D.
just dont take the nut all the way off and try to pull it with your hands unless you want 4 gold front teeth. a dead blow hammer works good but i perfer a plain hammer, no bs and it knocks it loose in one blow, just dont miss.