Stolen White T-type In Md


2speed 1day fast & faster
Nov 25, 2002
Posting this for a friend. My friend had his T-Type stolen on 12/23/02 at 1:30 pm from his shop in downtown Silver Spring, on Fenton Street.

Things to look for:
· White car
· T-Type stock wheels
· 3” Exhaust
· Precision Front Mount Intercooler
· Stock Cam

I will get the VIN, ASAP.

Thanks for any help,
well I guess I confused two cars that are for sale. one is the 87 GN from MD and the other is the white T-Type from Delaware. I was just wondering if somehow having a car posted for sale could lead to it being stolen. You know lurkers looking for easy prey or something. I'm a little paranoid to mention in public I have 4 of these.

The closest I have come to getting stolen was when I parked at the Philly airport to go on a business trip. I returned to find my locks broken and the steering column busted. This was the inside garage and the guards just said - "geez look at that". Thank GOD for my kill switch. I don't park there any more - I take the van/limo from home. I don't want to give someone another try.

I hope your friend gets his car back. it sure stinks that someone took it.
Thanks guys!!!! I'm just sad for my friend. This is the 2nd time some one has stolen his car in about 2 or 3 months. The 1st time it was taken out of his driveway. The cops and him think that time was just some kids because they just took it out for a joy ride and after it was out of gas, they just left it. It is really Fu*ked up that people do this $hit. :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :(
Hey I went by there the other day and saw it. He got it back. It was pretty bad the quarter panel anyway. Did he tell you about the hassle with the insurance??? Man that scared the crap out of me.

At least I hope it wasn't stolen again!!!


If you ever see a yellow T type riding around with a fp gauge on the hood and prostars in the back honk the horn!! Thats me!
You gotta be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Someone stole it again with the damage and crap!!! It is either the same guys or someone they bragged to. Has to be. Damn!! I know he is probably ready to kill something. After everything that happened with the insurance company to have it stolen again is unimaginable...:( :(
It just makes me SOooooooooooooooooo sad. It could not have happen to a nicer guy!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( That is why I'm trying to help him out by this post. I am also trying to sell some of his TR parts on here or on ebay to get him the cash.

Hey what does he have? I am about to buy DS but if he has something I could remotely use i would buy it.


You're right. The first time I went by there after introducing myself, we talked like we were friends for years. I guess that is the love of the Buick. Damn...:(
All of the following are stock parts: turbo, valve covers, heads, TB with upper, and piston with rods. I think all of the parts were taken off of a car with about 44,000 miles on it. I have cleaned all the parts. I used to work at a machine shop and am still good friends with my old manager. I don’t think I missed anything, but not sure. I’m at work, not home.

I am also selling some of my parts. I have a stock intercooler with Dutt neck, Kenne Bell shroud, stock scoop and all the mounding. Stock upper & TB, and radiator.

Crap! The only thing I could use are the Valve Covers, Heads, TB. I just bought an aluminum rad.

Ok how much for the Heads, and maybe TB?
Looking to sell the TB and upper together, $75. Valve Covers for $75. Heads for $150.
I understand your friends pain. I had a Turbo-T taken in 1991 after I had a custom paint job (lavender purple) weld pro stars and a wing added. I guess they must have like it me then I did. They never found one piece of it. It only had 17,000 on it too. We finally had to get a lawyer and an appraisel person to write them a report. It took 18 months but I did get a ok amount from the insurance. They wanted to give me $6,000.00 and the guy who did the write -up on the car said more like $17,000 to $18,000. We settle for around $14,500. Due to other issues I didn't get to replace the car then. I only got this one in Aug 01. If you need help with your insurance company I can try to get in touch with the Appraiser. He was a good friend of my husband many years ago. He is one of the few appraiser that are approved by the state of Pa. They your friend I help any way I can. I hope he get it back and in ok shape. My best advice to get lots of pictures and keep all your receipts for work done to the car. It may be worth the price to have it appraised in case there is any other problems with your insurance company. Good Luck.....
It may be time for a fuel cutoff and a kill switch. Or get the grant steering wheel he can take with him. I hate to see this happen. My camaro got broken into had the kill switch with a silent alarm(only thing that protected it). Anyone coming to take mine better have a bigger gun and be able to shoot better than me(39 of 40@50 meters).
i got a bullduzer chrome steel column lock with tamper proof lock for sale for $60.00 shipped-worth about $150.00-HTH----prevents anyone from starting or steering the car and comes off in 5 seconds with the key.
Wow that sucks good luck in finding it , my sister and her husband live in silver spring and have a nice SC Lightning (which unfortunately was destroyed by a careless driver) Its been in the body shop for 3 months now and had to go back again since it wasnt right yet again. I'll tell them to keep eyes peeled

I found his car... It is outside the tow lot Youngin's towing I think. That is walking distance from my house and while driving by I saw a regal on the ground. Then I saw the blacked out trim and thought who the hells car is this. Then I saw where the paint had chipped and saw white under it....:( They painted it dark gray.

I looked inside and it still had the digital dash. Then I looked near the trunk where I saw more paint chipped to reveal white underneath and I looked at the passenger rear quarter and it was bashed in from when they stole it before. If you can get in contact with him Jason, let him know where it is before they junk it. This is my first time seeing it so I don't know how long it has been there.


Why? I am pretty well known in my race circle so I'll keep an ear out for someone turning up with a motor and trans or rear end from a T. I just don't understand why? He wasn't the type to show off or even shoot his mouth off. I never heard him say anything about street racing. If anything, I woud think someone would take my car since alot of people know it. :confused: :confused: I guess this is one of those things that only GOD knows the answer to.