Storms around Oklahoma


New Member
Aug 21, 2002
Looking at the news this morning I was shocked to see all the damage around Oklahoma City.

I hope all the good people from the Oklahoma Buick club sufferd no losses or people hurt.

For that fact I hope no members of the TurboBuick board have suffered any loss or people being hurt with the bad weather this pass week.

My parys and best wishes go out to all involved with this string of bad weather.

Good Luck and take care
Hit GM Assembly Plant

GM OKLAHOMA ASSEMBLY PLANT HIT BY TORNADO .... Yesterday at approximately 5:30 p.m. local time a tornado ripped into the Oklahoma City area and damaged GM's assembly plant, a nearby union hall and hundreds of other buildings. No employees in the assembly plant were hurt although more than a hundred people in the region were injured. The plant sustained damage to the paint shop, the power house and the roof of the body shop. The plant will not run today. Personnel Director Bob Jones said maintenance and housekeeping personnel are on site to clean up in the wake of the storm.
The state's early response system sounded a warning about 20 minutes before the tornado hit and employees were able to take cover. Two contract truck drivers on plant grounds sustained minor injuries; one was released at the scene and the other was treated at the hospital and released. One car carrier caught fire after the twister had tossed it around.

The extent of the damage to the plant and the impact on production is still being determined. Manufacturing Vice Presidents Guy Briggs and Joe Speilman are at the scene today assessing damage and determining when production can be resumed. The Oklahoma City plant builds the Trailblazer EXT and Envoy XL.

Tornado on the ground and it's coming up the turnpike and headed this way..... baton down the hatches.... hoping its going to run out of energy...
Damn that S****

I see the weather this morning is still showing warnings.

I hope everyone is safe.
Hope everyone made it threw round 2!
I talked to my parents at Crescent and they are ok.
My son that goes to OSU got home last night.