T-Top seals


Aug 10, 2001
I am now going through the fun of installing new t-top seals. AGAIN! Has any of you guys ever installed the body t-top seals without glueing them in? They seem to fit into the channels very snug. I would of course use a silicone sealant around the front and rear areas where it mates up to the body to keep water from getting behind the seal. It would seem that you could reuse them if they ever have to be taken out again if they wern't glued in. The silicone sealant can be removed easily but that super weatherstrip adhesive is for one time use only. Thanks-Jeremy
Hey Jeremy.........I can't help because I use the $10 TTop seals from Home Depot. I thought the painter was going to install them. :confused:
Hey John. No, The painter didn't want to get into installing them(I can't blame him). He hasn't had much luck with them. I've finally got around to start working on it again. I don't want to ever do them again. Since I have a garage and another car now, they should last longer without being in the weather and less driving.
I installed mine with no glue. In the corners use butyl tape (what the factory used), not silicone.
The ONLY leak I have is where the body seal and the t-top seal (the one on the removable top) meet together (very small)...dumb design. some adjusting should take care of that though
Thanks for the info. I think I'll try them with no glue. If I go that route, I can always glue them later if I need to.--J