Terrorists Are The Least Of Our Concerns...

Originally posted by strikeeagle
I went to a local festival this weekend. You know, a parade, food, rides, softball games - a typical right of summer in a typical small town.

AMERICANS ARE FAT PIGS! No worries, Osama, we'll kill ouselves before you ever do, so save the bullets.

Adults are HUGE, even "little" kids are porkers. You could barely walk through the crowd with all the fat slobs dragging around, slamming every form of crap known to man into their cakeholes. I'll bet I saw 1,000 women who weighed over 250 pounds, some on electric scooters, some on the oxygen bottle.

What in the hell are we doing to ourselves? Americans do nothing but eat crap and lay around. We are the enemy...


Ohio should change their license plate motto to:

Ohio,land of the third helping


follow me to the all u can eat buffet...

Ohio..land of 10,000,000 fat chicks
Have to agree with everyone about portion sizes and also better food choices. Let's take an analogy back to our beloved cars. People need to be aware of how active/inactive they are and view food as fuel for the body. When you are mostly inactive you have to reduce your food or "fuel" consumption. When you turn up your personal boost, then you can consume more food. Most of America has it backwards; increasing their fuel intake while being even less active. Really calls for alot of discipline in what we eat and judging by most of America, most are not willing to control their intake. :(
Is it no surprise when we eliminate gym class from school.

Most high schools don't even have drivers ed. anymore.

But, rest assured , our politicians have the best health care

and the newest cars.
Before we die from being fat, we'll be taken over by the Asians. The Chinese and Japanese are gobbling up more and more American businesses and properties and the trade deficit is staggering.
