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The latest from the nitwit..


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Chuck Leeper

Toxic old bastard
Staff member
May 28, 2001
in the WH.....:poop:
This shitbag is looking into every corner of this country, for yet another way, to take control of the populace.....:mad:
Removed the inaccurate link. The rest of the post stays. The antacid supply in the country wouldn't be enuf, should the lyin lefties see a bit of satire, instead of just "vetted, factual, truth"....:D
in the WH.....:poop:
This shitbag is looking into every corner of this country, for yet another way, to take control of the populace, thru confiscation of their guns.....:mad:


I don't think either you nor I will see gun confiscation in our lifetimes (I am, however, willing to go out...ummm, "making a statement"), but if the general population doesn't wake up soon, it'll happen. F'ing idiots with their phones stuck to the sides of their heads can't see sh!t! I'd bet 75% of US citizens don't even know (or care) who their congressional reps are. Apathy is how we got to where we are today...

Conservatives = freedom for all, Liberals = control for few

Interesting....Fox News got "had", too. Thot they did a better job of vetting than I did!:D
Think I'll delete it. Wouldn't want to offend the lyin lefties, that hang out here..:rolleyes:
U R right on, Russ.....Sad, sad, sad.

DAMN!! Fox has it up again this am, on my pc homepage. [Firefox].
I wonder. Is Fox being "had", or is Snopes?

Ummm, maybe not. Your Snopes article states "a pending executive order that would ban firearms possession by all persons over 60 years of age". The WH :poop: is proposing a ban on all SS recipients who have proxies managing their finances due to diminished capacity. Yet another law while so many current ones go unenforced. Gotta love a libtard, enforce the laws you like and disregard the rest...
Well, if you think about it if some has a proxy taking care of their finances because of diminished capacity ie; elderly dementia or Alzheimer's then they really shouldn't be handling a gun, along with not driving or cooking with a stove. Guns are forbidden in the nursing home my mother was in.
wats even more pathetic is the ignorance of the American public to put this bafoon in office and then re-elect him. the real idiots are those that voted for him. you put ANY moron in office and their gonna do moronic things.... its not rocket science!
Well, if you think about it if some has a proxy taking care of their finances because of diminished capacity ie; elderly dementia or Alzheimer's then they really shouldn't be handling a gun, along with not driving or cooking with a stove. Guns are forbidden in the nursing home my mother was in.

Diminished capacity does not necessarily mean mentally off. The question is, do you want someone else to draw that line for you? People have done stupid things forever, and will continue to do stupid things - forever. I don't want any self-serving gov't A-hole writing a blanket policy trying to regulate such "stupidity" as they are prone to do. If these idiots would just enforce the laws that are currently on the books, things would improve. Not a perfect situation, but nothing ever is...
When it come to diminished capacity like it or not someone does make that decision for you. It can be the court or a doctor. When a person can not do what is needed to perform tasks like take their medicine, use a stove, bath or drive they can be forced to do things whether they like it or not. Their inability to perform tasks that are endangering others or themselves is evaluated by doctors and the courts. Say for instance an elderly person is driving and mistakes the gas for the brake and plows into a bunch of school kids getting off a bus. Well, that's stupid. They go to court and the judge can take away their license to drive. Children of elderly might even contact the police or dept of safety to explain their parents are not capable to drive and have the license taken. If a person is too forgetful to take the proper dose of medicine or set up their pill box then they can be deemed a danger to themselves by the doctor or PA. Seen it happen many times at the facility my Mom was at. My Mother in law is now right near the time when they will tell her she can't be in the independant living side b/c she too confused with her meds. My wife has to go set up the pills. She takes Coumindin and the doses change. She can't decide if they told her she needs the brown pill or the pink one. Twice she's taken the wrong dose and could have bleed to death. She's just another fall away from being sent over to the assisted living side so nurses can give her the meds on time and find her if she falls. This is where one's family or health care directive is very important. The doctors and family must evaluate the patient and realize the dangers the patient is presenting to themselves and society. My father in law did not want to stop driving but he was way past being able to safely drive. Finally my brother in law took his keys. We all had to chip in to make sure to get him and my mother in law to their appointments. After a few months he relented when he realized he could barely stand up. I'm just trying to show that at some point you have to give up things that you have "always done". You may even be forced to give up doing things by "someone else". BTW, I am not anti gun. I just don't want to see someone getting hurt by a person that clearly shouldn't be handling a weapon, driving a car, cooking or smoking while using oxygen.
BTW, I am not anti gun. I just don't want to see someone getting hurt by a person that clearly shouldn't be handling a weapon, driving a car, cooking or smoking while using oxygen.

As mentioned, the WORST possible person, agency, etc, to provide such "assistence", certainly is some govt moron.
This is the first step. Then, it'll be anyone over 75, then who knows where it would go.
Control the populace ability to rebel, and you have total control....EXACTLY where this asshole and his minions are attempting to go...:mad:
I respectfully disagree that it would go that far.