"The Passion" Open Mind View

It's a great movie. If the truth offends the elite in Hollywood and the media, good. If you don't believe in God, well, then don't see the movie. Remember, the most intolerent people are those who preach tolerence. Mel is a couragious Christian and should be commended for his movie.
The biggest problem with the movie is that the controversy has sparked both debate and popularity to the point that everyone is flocking to see it.

The movie was panned by Hollywood and their elite, by organized Religions for the most part, and by many educational scholars, BEFORE it opened.

They couldn't kill the movie in advance so now they are caught with how to deal with the overwhelming popularity, even if it is just going to see what it's all about you have helped make it more popular.

Not that many are coming out saying it was a terribly bad film either, more moving than anything from what I have heard and read.

Kinda funny how folks in the "establishment" will deal with the popularity that normally would garner some praise.

If I had enough money, okay lottery winnings, and wanted to make my own movie I'd do it, be about Turbo Regals too, and cause even more controversy than Mel could, for sure. ;)
well I was raised baptist but as I got to my teen years I tried different churches and found the story to be told from a different angle

with that being said how would you make the movie exact to everyones beliefs?

I put the bible down long ago and do not claim to be christian but that is my right and dont put down anyones faith since its their choice to believe what they want.

some on here believe the turbo buicks were the best sleeper ever made but yet there are plenty who believe a different car was

I am not christian or against christian but If I get a chance I'll go see the movie not to believe everything I see but because it sounds like a pretty good movie to keep you entertained ;)
I saw it with my mother yesterday and I thought it was a great and accurate depiction of what was described in the bible. I generally agree with most of the praise in here.

One thing though... Anti-Semetic... are you kidding... espeically you wiked87gn, if coming out of that movie would make you want to kill every jew you see you had PLENTY OF ISSUES wayyyyy before this movie was ever made. The movie was not slanted in any way, it followed the story of what the bible told! The Jews Killed Jesus! SURPRISE holy crap what a new concept... What were they supposed to adjust it so instead of nailing the poor guy's ass to the cross they sat down and discussed their differences over a Bud Light???

I and everyone else who saw this move who is outside of a mental institution walked out feeling like they saw what they had read about all these years.
Originally posted by Gasketman
I will go see it in a few weeks. But It's "Hollywood" as it's best. Fiction movies of this caliper and like Stars Wars or Jedi movies are always box office hits. I must say it got everyone thinking good or bad. That's good too.

That is where I took my que for the fantasy comment. It spells my comments about people being in a fantsy pretty well.
As far as believing fantasy, well, let's see, one side has a God that created heavens and earth, the other side has the view that out of nothing there was a hugs "bang" and everything came from that. Having lived my life and seeing all that I have, the God things seems far less fantasy to me.
Like Einstein said, mass or energy can not be created or destroyed without creating or destroying mass or energy. So if the "big bang" did occur from nothing, then you have to discount Einstein. By the way, Einstein recognized God also.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Originally posted by Gasketman
I will go see it in a few weeks. But It's "Hollywood" as it's best. Fiction movies of this caliper and like Stars Wars or Jedi movies are always box office hits. I must say it got everyone thinking good or bad. That's good too.

That is where I took my que for the fantasy comment. It spells my comments about people being in a fantsy pretty well.
As far as believing fantasy, well, let's see, one side has a God that created heavens and earth, the other side has the view that out of nothing there was a hugs "bang" and everything came from that.

Well if you put it that way I have to admit both views of God and the big bang both sound kind of far fetched. We call each others views fantasy. This is whats great about this country and freedom. I don't feel attacked and I hope you guys don't either.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Like Einstein said, mass or energy can not be created or destroyed without creating or destroying mass or energy. So if the "big bang" did occur from nothing, then you have to discount Einstein. By the way, Einstein recognized God also.

I think you misunderstood his quote. He wasn't referring that God had something to do with it. Also Einstein was an Atheist. Here is a little proof.

I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist. [Albert Einstein to Guy H. Raner Jr, July 2, 1945, responding to a rumor that a Jesuit priest had caused Einstein to convert from atheism. Article by Michael R. Gilmore in Skeptic magazine, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1997]
Saw it yesterday. Loved the movie. thought the Scurge scene was a little unrealistic. No one, no one could have survived that kind of whipping, and even if they did, infection would get them. What was the devil carrying in his arms (looked like a minny Me)?
Haven't seen it yet. Don't know if I will. My girl was raised Jewish, me Roman Catholic. We're both tolerant people and don't have a problem with it. Neither of us are scholars in religion.

Anyway, just found a really great article that gives a lot of history that is very interesting. As with all history, it's open to interpretation, but it's interesting to read a different angle. I say this is a MUST READ


I thought this section was really interesting -

"The delicate governing arrangements and the political volatility of Palestine are crucial to understanding Jesus's fate. For example, Pontius Pilate was far from being Gibson's (or the Gospels') somewhat benign figure, puzzled by the high priests' insistence on punishing Jesus. He was rather, as the first-century historian Josephus relates, a notoriously harsh prefect, quick to crucify even potential political rebels.

It is not clear whether Jesus's followers thought he was the Messiah or an apocalyptic prophet declaring the imminent coming of God's kingdom. But the fact that his arrival in the city stirred up popular interest among the holiday crowds in Jerusalem would have set off Pilate's alarms that he might be dealing with a seditious leader. The Jewish high priests of the Temple were also certainly concerned about any disturber of the peace, although declaring oneself the Messiah, Vermes has argued, was not blasphemy by Jewish law. Indeed, if Jesus's crime had truly been blasphemy, as the Gospels assert, then the priests would have rightfully condemned Jesus to death by stoning--rather than handing him over to Pilate for the Crucifixion. As Boston University scholar Paula Fredriksen puts it, "I see Roman concerns exceeding priestly ones. If Pilate didn't have an itchy trigger finger, the Crucifixion, which was a specifically political punishment, probably would not have happened."
Sorry to say Gasketman, your quote is out of context and from all I have read of Einstein is that he had a firm belief in God, just didn't have much use for the Jewish religion.
As far as believing anything printed in the Sceptic, I'm sorry, I have as much trust of it as you do the Bible.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Sorry to say Gasketman, your quote is out of context and from all I have read of Einstein is that he had a firm belief in God, just didn't have much use for the Jewish religion.
As far as believing anything printed in the Sceptic, I'm sorry, I have as much trust of it as you do the Bible.

I agree his quotes found in a that magazine may be questionable. I guess I fell the same way about Mels source. But his actual unedited quotes are in books, magazines, newspapers and websites. They are even found in college textbooks. Here are a few others and not from a skeptic magazine:

Albert EINSTEIN (1879-1955)


Perhaps the most famous scientist of all time, Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany and died in 1955 in his adopted country, the United States. He did major research on the photoelectric effect, for which he received the Nobel Prize in physics, 1921, and was the author of the special and general theories of relativity.

Given Einstein's enormous celebrity as a scientist, and the fact that he admitted to a certain "religiosity", some religious believers try to present him as an apologist for religious belief. But the allegation is at best a misconception, and often a lie, because Einstein's religiosity had nothing to do with that of mainstream religions. In fact, he rejected all belief in the supernatural and he also rejected any mythological basis for moral precepts.

"The mystical trend of our time, which shows itself particularly in the rampant growth of the so-called Theosophy and Spiritualism, is for me no more than a symptom of weakness and confusion.
Since our inner experiences consist of reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions, the concept of a soul without a body seems to me to be empty and devoid of meaning."


"From the standpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist.... It is always misleading to use anthropomorphical concepts in dealing with things outside the human sphere - childish analogies."

From a letter dated July 2nd, 1945

"I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being."

From a letter dated September 28th, 1949

"The foundation of morality should not be made dependent on myth nor tied to any authority lest doubt about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority imperil the foundation of sound judgment and action."

"I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it."


"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

From a letter to an atheist who had asked about Einstein's alleged religious beliefs, 1954

"I have never imputed to Nature a purpose or a goal, or anything that could be understood as anthropomorphic.
What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of "humility." This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism"


And so, just what was Einstein's philosophical stance as regards the "god" question? It is clear from his statements that he can honestly be considered an agnostic, or an atheist, or possibly a pantheist in the tradition of Spinoza, but that he was most certainly not a theist. In particular, Einstein rejected theism as a basis for morality. Furthermore, he was aware than some religious apologists were deliberately misrepresenting his views.
In other words, Einstein was evidently an atheist but was apparently of the opinion that it was ungracious to say so in a forthright manner. With all due respect to the great scientist, some of us choose to disagree with him on this last
talk about off topic :rolleyes: this thread was supposed to be a review about a movie, now everyone's debating the scriptures on which it was based on. Let me tell you folks, it's been debated for about 2000 years so lets get back to the movie. I think Gibson is a genious, he did a wonderful job directing this movie. He had the balls to put it out there, with his career and his own money on the line. opening weekend over 70 million. good for him he deserves every penny for taking such a huge gamble.
I think both sides tried to keep on topic but if the source of the movie is in question then yes 2004 years of disagreements. I don't think there is any argument that the movie is the work of a master director. If we can all stop at "the movie was great" Then this thread is finished. But both sides will add an extra line "And it's all true" or: "It's all fiction" then it will continue.

Originally posted by buickboy
What was the devil carrying in his arms (looked like a minny Me)?


Points To Ponder

If the jews are God's chosen people,what about Christians?
What does God think about them after crusificition of Christ?
The Bible says it is a sin to pray to idols,Catholics pray to statues and Saints,are they going to hell?
Christians believe Christ the Savior died for our sins,Jews are still waiting for the savior to come?
A local Church here thinks if someone is not "talking in tounges" the Holy Ghost is not in the Church.
Every Religion has a spin on things and every person has his/her own belief or non belief.

My wife and I saw the movie and liked it. We didn't go on a Jew hunt afterward. Imagine if Jesus came today what would happen.
I am Christian/Baptist born and raised.
I didnt read through every response on this thread, but I wanted to share my $.02.
I saw the movie with the girl I am seeing on opening night.
The theater was packed!
I thought the movie was incredibly well done and I have actually thought about it a little every day since I saw it. It was that powerful. It was also probably one of the most violent that I have ever seen. Take that for what its worth.
Even if you arent a Christian, it is a good movie just for the history lesson.