This day sucks!


Apr 15, 2004
Just lost my best friend in the whole world. I had to put my best buddy, Zak, down after 10 great years. He was a 150 pound German Shepard that would try to crawl in your lap if you let him. God, I am going to miss him. This sunny day doesn't seem to bright any more. Damn.
Sorry about your loss my friend, went through the same a couple years ago.
Sorry for your lost! Went through the same thing with my oldest pitbull back in Jan. Miss him everyday!!
Steve, my condolences...I know how you feel as my girlfriend and I went through the same pain last year when our loved Airedale terrier passed away...:redface: Hang in there!

Man! You just reminded me of Charlotte. She wagged her tail every time she saw me for 16 years. then she became sick and i'll never forget the day she didn't wag her tail to me and i knew what i had to do.

Not a good day. I understand.
