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Active Member
Oct 16, 2001
I testing the waters to see if the THS racers want me to be the RRA for the class. I was asked by several racers .Cast your vote here. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!
I testing the waters to see if the THS racers want me to be the RRA for the class. I was asked by several racers .Cast your vote here. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I did not know my job was up for grabs. I am surprised you had to post this yourself, I would have thought that one of the several racers who asked you would have posted it. BTW I have always maintained that having a racer in a class being a RRA for the same class he or she races in is a conflict. This is why when I have raced in THS races I always made sure there was an acting RRA for that race.
D-Day you have done good things for THS, but I'm not sure the most successful THS racer should be the one in charge.

Please don't take that as an insult or anything, but Kip is the one that created the class and got it off the ground. You, I, and several other people have helped along the way and I for one seriously appreciate everyone's contributions towards my favorite Buick class, but unless Kip decides he doesn't want to be the RRA anymore then I will always support him.
In any organized event decision makers need to remain unbiased.
RRAs that have raced in the class lonnie diers, scott simpson, jason white, steve kessler,cal hartline,.Bob Hinson off the top of my head
RRAs that have raced in the class lonnie diers, scott simpson, jason white, steve kessler,cal hartline,.Bob Hinson off the top of my head

Here is a story that will jar your memory of another RRA racing the class he was over. Back in the 90s when I was first getting my feet wet in Buick heads up racing there was a car quite a few people had an issue with being outside the rules. Well after listening to several racers complain I went to the tower and asked Richard L. what should be done and he said " tell your RRA about it" so I asked who was the class RRA? His answer "Red Armstrong" , I stood there with a dumb look on my face and he said "is there a problem", my answer well that is the persons car people are complaining about.
I don't see a problem with David being the RRA. He has taken the time to get sponsorship of the class. I dont see there being a problem with the RRA also racing in the same class.We the racers help control and govern the class.....but he has to abide by the same rules as we do...Those rules are voted on by the class racers....Hell we even have peer tech to help the RRA do his job..

My Vote go to David Thanks for all that you do !!!!!!!!!!
No car should be allowed to participate if it does not meet the criteria set forth in the rules, this is not an outlaw class and never should be. I know that I have looked David's car over pretty close and have seen nothing that would be a of concern. I agree with SloGN, David is a great spokesperson for the class and has done a tremendous amount of work to promote and get sponsorship for the class.
I conquer with both Patrick's concerning Dday- he would be a great RRA for our THS class. I vote yes
There is no doubt David is a tireless worker/promoter of the class. I don't have a problem with David being the RRA.
Hang on...unless I missed something Kip has never gave up the RRA position??? Kip is the one who started the class, did the leg work in the beginning and got it up and running. Yes D-Day has helped out the class and has got sponsor $$$ but now you guys are looking to over throw Kip, from a class he started??? How is that even right? Sounds like a coup d'état...
Well here is my reply as to why I would like to be the RRA. I could see that something needed to be done to keep interest going in the Buick racing world. There are several events that no longer exist, and payouts were almost nothing. The jump start of XTSM by Steve Kessler inspired me to try and do the same for THS. Contacting sponsors and generating funds to spark interest of fellow racers has turned out the biggest payouts ever in THS. I did this on my own because there was a lack of anything happening to draw new racers in. Also have helped in making some new places to race THS . I would have thought the people who started THS would welcome someone offering to help in trying to grow the class, guess a few feel differently. The current RRA has done very little the last few years. I know this because I have done 99% of what the RRA should be doing. This isn't (pick on Kip) as some may think . I'm sure his children and life in general are taking up more of his time, totally understand. I could go into what hasn't been done , but would prefer not to. The racers are in charge of the rules, which gives them control by voting , not the RRA. I have nothing but the good of the class in mind. If all the racers feel I should not be the RRA this will be my last year gathering funds . You have to ask yourself what has the current RRA done for the class the last 3 years? Again this is not ( pick on Kip) just some of the facts.
Die hard THS racer from the beginning
DDay #742
Well here is my reply as to why I would like to be the RRA.
DDay #742

In the first post of this thread you mention others have asked you and now it is why I would like to be RRA. I think the truth has come out.
Well here is my reply as to why I would like to be the RRA. I could see that something needed to be done to keep interest going in the Buick racing world.
DDay #742

This is exactly why I created THS in the first place. To give guys like you (David) and others a chance to heads up Buick race who did not fit well into any existing class. I did not do THS for my self as I have probably raced more heads up Buick classes then anyone. (TSS, TSL, TSM. TSA, TSE etc.)