TiVo Subscribers??

Not Tivo but a friend of mine was using a panasonic machine the he bought outright, no monthly subscription needed and he liked it a lot. I think most machines are now 80+ gig storage so have plenty of room.
Double plug on the dealdatabase guys - great bunch. I bought a DSR6000 Directivo unit. Wife was skeptical at first - now she is a Tivohaulic. She has Season Passes set up for "Dynasty", "Sisters", "Dr. Phil", and "Knott's Landing". I have the SImpsons, 70s Show, Man Show, and Enterprise. Together, we have ER, 8 simple rules and According to Jim.

We rarely watch commercials and almost never watch live TV. We can cover more shows in less time and watch TV when WE want.

Spent $300 for my DirecTivo - and it was worth every penny.
Got TiVo and love it. I have the 80 hr. recorder and bought the lifetime subscription. Their slogan is 100% correct - it will change the way you watch TV. I don't watch more TV, but I watch what I want when I want to watch it. TiVO also catches stuff that I'm interested in but didn't know was on.

Thanks for ALL the help & info on TiVo, fellows!

If I can just stop buying TR parts for a week, sounds
like a TiVo unit will be a fun & useful entertainment component!

:) :) :)
I don't have tivo, but we DID get the dish network PVR unit, which I assume is similar?

We have about 30 hours of record time, will pause live TV, 4x, 15x, 60x, 150x or 600x fast forward/reverse...we can't do 2 things at once with it however...

But we only paid $50 for it, WELL worth it!

Truly appreciate each reply!

Got the TiVo, and it's truly been great! :) :) :)