TQ is locking at very low speed?????


New Member
Jul 8, 2001
My 136K mile GN has been acting funny lately...... The trans will appear to lock up the converter from just leaving from a stop..... like it shifts into 2nd and the converter is locked... then it hits 3rd very quick and the rpm's are very,very low... like around 1,000rpm or just off idle. If I put my foot down, the TQ will unlock and downshift normally and all is well. Thios has happened 3 or 4 times in the last month and only after highway use.... is this a common type of failure??? tia TBF
Thanx a billion!!!

Wow.. ask and ye shall recieve!!!!!! that has got to be the most complete and comprehensive reply to a question that I have ever seen....... I have printed out the info and will order the parts and get it fixed asap. The info absolutuley describes the problem I was having and provides the solution. Thanx again for posting this and helping me out. I owe you a beer or ten. thanx again.
TBF :) :) :) :) :) :)