TSM-Legal 8-second pass

So this run was on dr's? I didn't know that. That's pretty damn cool then. What is the biggest tsm legal dr? I ran mine last week and was very happy with the results on the skinny 275s. I know the 325s are illegal. Maybe a 295??
RPM's must be out the wazoo..... IMHO.... It is difficult to make big HP numbers (on a small cube engine) without boost cranked or lots of RPM's..... or maybe in this case..... both!

At any rate..... the HP is there. Great numbers.

Don is willing to push it further! That's what it takes!
Don is willing to push it further! That's what it takes!

And that is what makes him consistantly at the top of the TSM class. He doesn't sit on his hands not doing anything....... he is working on pushing the limits more and more each time.

At one point.... I thought the 9.0 sec mark was about the pinnacle of the 109 block and TSM...... however.... with today's "professor's" in our close knit community..... I think we might see 8.50's in a few years... out of a little 109. I can't see anybody like Don.... slacking up anytime soon. I am just thankful to be able to witness some of this....... heck.... an iron headed 109 has now gone 9.30's.... who would have thought that?

You guys keep it coming!
Cal Hartline

Funny how one Name really can answer a question.

About Four years ago I went over my plan to make our car run low ten’s with my friend Patrick. At this point in time I was pretty new to the Buicks and was trying to figure out what I needed. Pat was building a stage 2 car for a friend and driving his car to the track and ripping off High ten second passes every Friday night.

Later he was ordering a FAST system for the stage 2 car he was building. I told him to see how much it would be for two. A couple days later and I am writing out a check to Hartline performance and dropping it off to Pat. I said did you get us a really good deal? Pat said yes.

Man was he correct. The amount of Tech service we received from Cal is unbelievable. To say he has helped reach our goals with the car would be a gross understatement. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagined the car was going to go this fast. We would not have been able to run as fast as we did in Reynolds without his help.
Thanks Sam. As you have come to realize, it's the total package. You have to have the right parts to get the right results. This isn't always the most $$ parts, just the correct parts. I try and tune every car to it's potential. That potential is almost always dictated by parts selection.
I always chuckle when someone goes out and runs well, and the haters start saying how much money he has in his car. I wonder what they are saying about Jason White's car? :cool:
You guys are starting to tickle your potential. I can't wait to see what next year has in store for you.
I always chuckle when someone goes out and runs well, and the haters start saying how much money he has in his car. I wonder what they are saying about Jason White's car? :cool:

Hey..... watch it there Carl...


You need to be available Dec 5th for live chats.. ;)
A well running car with a proper tune will stay together with the stock sized bolts especially at teh low boost levels Don runs:D

Sorry Otto!! I question this statement from one end to the other. Unless your evading the question, a well running car and Dons record holding engine are miles apart!! There is defenetly a skunk in that wood pile you just laid out! Thats about all I have to say about that!! Later Mike:cool: