Turbine ID assistance needed


Sep 3, 2004
Wondering if someone can help ID the proper turbine trim on a turbo I have here. It's supposedly a T66 ball bearing, and it seems that's accurate as it's water-cooled and spins like a bearing turbo.

That's not the part that I'm having trouble with, though- The turbine housing is a large (1.0 A/R) on-center 4-bolt housing. I'm trying to determine the trim, so I took some measurements of the wheel itself.

The inducer (large end) measures 74.3 mm (+/- .1) (2.925 inch), and the exducer (small end) is ~68.5mm (2.696 inches).

This doesn't seem to match either P or Q trim directly, unless I have the wrong numbers for those.
I thought it might be a modded/clipped wheel, but it doesn't really look like it has been modified. I double-checked the measurements, and the housing itself is only a couple mm larger than the small end of the wheel.

I'd like to get a 3 bolt housing for this turbo, but I want to get the right one.

Any ideas?

