turbo blowing off ??


Never Finished!!
Mar 12, 2006
car runs 100 %, after turbo spools up, as your letting off, i hear a blow off type sound , never heard this before like a flutter, coming from under the hood, checked hoses look ok, any ideas
That's normal. When the throttle blade closes, the pressure has to go somewhere. Just think of it as having a self cleaning air cleaner......lol
I believe what you're hearing is commonly referred to as "Turbo fart". The built up, unused preassure is going back against your turbo fan, making the farting noise. To get rid of it, you install a blow-off valve, which makes your car hiss like "The fast & The Furious". VVVVRRROOOOOM sst
blow off ???

the car has never ever done this even at 25 # with race gas, i just removed the canister for the ram air is this anything related, i just came back from the track and read about the KB ram air and i removed the canister and left the element open is this the reason ?? the car runs great still, this noise is annoying me!!!! thanx........tom
Thats got to be it. Mabye it was still doing it before but you could not here it bcause the air cleaner was inside the canister.
fastblackcar said:
the car has never ever done this even at 25 # with race gas, i just removed the canister for the ram air is this anything related, i just came back from the track and read about the KB ram air and i removed the canister and left the element open is this the reason ?? the car runs great still, this noise is annoying me!!!! thanx........tom

did you just install the ram air kit? if so, that better flowing intake is also letting out sounds that you never heard before. it was always happening, you just couldnt hear it with the stock intake. its normal and the only way to get rid of the sound is with a blow off valve, which makes a more pleasant/aggressive sound, in my opinion
Its called "Compressor surge". And it can blow the turbo after awhile, seen it many times. Best thing to do is get a blow-off valve, or compressor bypass valve as some people call it. Its alot cheaper then replacing a 1000$ turbo ;)
Thanx everyone, im sure now it has always been there just now i can hear it due to the canister being removed , again , thak you............Tom