Turbo buick owners age

Bought my GNAT new in 86, i was 26 then. :cool:
Have had my "T" for 5 1/2 yrs. now....daily driver.
28, Female

Had my first NA Regal when I was 18, had it for 2 years before it was stolen, swore up and down I'd have another, and now I got a T-Type sitting, waiting for restification.
43 now,wanted one since they came out, but same old story...other things took priority (wife,kids,etc.) bought the hard top at 39 and the T- top for the wife at 41.
I'm 36 (going on 25) with a 29 year old girlfriend that keeps me young at heart, and broke in the wallet. :D Had the GN for 4.5 years now. Holy crap, has it been that long? :eek:

36yr male
wife thinks the cars are a mid life crisis ...she is 24 and lucky to have me...
wanted one in high school...mom said no it has a turbo...

now have 2 of these things working on getting a third and made my dad buy one...wow these are money pits...oh well...
remember he who dies with the most toys (wins) still dies!!