Turbo Saver/Oil Cooler Custom Hoses


Feb 8, 2004
I am not sure if this has been covered but I would like to change up the hoses a little on my oil cooler and Turbo Saver and make the whole thing more "efficient" and give it a cleaner look. I saw where someone has eliminated the oil cooler adapter on the oil pump and put the TS adapter directly onto the pump housing. Then they ran the lines from the housing to the factory cooler, over to the remote filter housing, then back to the adapter/pump housing. I would like to replicate this but I would need to know the fittings needed for the cooler and the adapter as well as hose diameter and so forth. Anyone got and information on this or can point me in the right direction. If interested I could do a write up on this with pictures so that in the future if anyone is interested there would be a nice DIY article. Thanks in advance.