TURBOTERRORV6 disappeared?


Jul 22, 2005
Does anyone here live near or personally know him? He let me know he got my money order on Nov 20th and said my headers/crossover went out the night before via UPS. Said he would call with a tracking number, never did. Looks like he hasn't logged in since then. He also hasn't responded to any of my voicemails or emails. I'll give it a couple more days so hopefully someone can let him know that I still have no parts before I post his info and start the bashing process...sounds bad, but it is what it is... Never had an issue like this with anyone else on this board, most are pleasant to deal with and I feel I've been patient for long enough on this deal.
Ugg. Another one of these posts. Too much of this lately.:mad:
Stay after him.
He was signed on the forum a couple of days ago, maybe just before the big crash.
but im still here? =)

Dissapeared? No sir, i FINALLY was able to logg on for about a week or so due to the cig crash on the server. If you been calling me lately in your company number,i havent picked up because due to the fact its a 800 number and im under the impression of, CREDIT COLLECTORS lol.. i will PM you shortly with a tracking number.. its been a hectic schedule for me due to mishaps,and long hours at work (been leaving late).. no worries,i am able to logg on to the site, call at 9pm today when i leave work,we should chat about this. No need to call me out on the open forums,you can leave me a voice mail . thanks
Does anyone here live near or personally know him? He let me know he got my money order on Nov 20th and said my headers/crossover went out the night before via UPS. Said he would call with a tracking number, never did. Looks like he hasn't logged in since then. He also hasn't responded to any of my voicemails or emails. I'll give it a couple more days so hopefully someone can let him know that I still have no parts before I post his info and start the bashing process...sounds bad, but it is what it is... Never had an issue like this with anyone else on this board, most are pleasant to deal with and I feel I've been patient for long enough on this deal.

and by the way i cashed your check some days ago as well. PM SENT.

holiday weekend due to thanksgiving (left out of town)
Money order was recieved november 25th
money order was cashed dec. 3rd
long hours and hectic time to sent headers out to closing of UPS ect
no excuses but i was tied up for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PM SENT anyways,and get at me in the PM's instead in the open feedback section
and by the way i cashed your check some days ago as well. PM SENT.

holiday weekend due to thanksgiving (left out of town)
Money order was recieved november 25th
money order was cashed dec. 3rd
long hours and hectic time to sent headers out to closing of UPS ect
no excuses but i was tied up for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PM SENT anyways,and get at me in the PM's instead in the open feedback section

disregard the post, situation is being handle as it should. thanks!!!!!!!!!