Twin Turbo Porsche - raced until he blew something up!


Feb 27, 2002
We had a couple short runs, from maybe 25-75mph. 1st one, he got the jump, he squirted 1 car ahead, but I reeled him in pretty quickly, got 1 car ahead, then it was time to hit the brakes. We talked for a couple seconds at the light - I told him he had a beautiful car. He was pretty cool but it was hard to hear - a truck right next to him.

The 2nd time we had to wait for a clear stretch, I got the jump, I could hear him whistling, he was on my rear bumper, then BOOM! Big cloud of smoke - I honestly thought I blew something in my car, like "Oh, ****!", but it was him. I slowed down to talk, but he took a quick left. Maybe he lived nearby... I could still see him smoking as he drove down the street. Been there, done that - it sucks.

I still want to run one from a dig - they are AWD and very quick off the line if the guys knows what he's doing.

I eat Z06 said:
Was it a 996 or 993 turbo car?
993 would be 1992-1998
996 would be 2001-2005


Wouldn't the 993 be '95 to '98?

I don't remember AWD Porsche turbo's in '92 thru '94. The first one I saw in the states was a '96, but since my memory isn't that good anymore i don't know :)
I suspect it was a nicely modded 98, because it didn't look like the newest style, but I didn't get a chance to ask. I do know he had an aftermarket rear wing, and I could hear the turbo(s).

Your right, the 92-94 turbo's were RWD. I don't know how I over or under thought that one. :rolleyes:
