Type of


Aspiring Guru
Aug 4, 2002
I was running low on my alchy, so I went to Home Depot to pick some up. The blue canister I grabbed said "S-L-X Denatured Alcohol" is this suitable to run in my SMC kit? Has anyone noticed any variance of the different brands available?

-DC :cool:
Should be OK. Did you read the contents? One other time somebody brought home paint thinner that had kerosene in it. I don't believe they used it...:)
Well, ever since I put it in, I've had this wierd knock problem. I think I may have gotten a bad batch as I've never encountered the problem before, and that was the only variable that had changed. I suppose I was looking for wether the possibility of a "bad batch" of alcy(sp?) existed.

Most likely you need further adjustment to the system. Try raising the turn on point, or lowering the pump speed. Could be you are drowning the spark.

Another Idea is to run without alchy, at lowered boost levels to be sure the ign. system, etc., is working. Using alchy on a motor that has other issues tends to magnify the problem.

Bad gas is another possibility..