Typical day at the Swedish tracks


Crazy? Me? :-P
Jul 4, 2003
Just wanted to share with You guys how a typical day is at the best track in Sweden...

The car ran like crap, major false knock from DP hitting header causing huge retards. And the rear, Randy Burghs old stocker that was rebuilt and with new gear, wasn´t that good. Only pass.side tire was spinning when warming, and when trying to launch it felt like the rear would fall off. When driving the car and letting go of throttle there´s a loud bang from driver side axle...

Never got a chance or dared to make a WOT pass, so the best time was 2.294s / 8.184s / 12.644s. Then I drove the 100miles home.

Oh, and check this Camaro out:
Powered by a 4cyl Volvo engine, best time was 8.60s (don´t know the speed).
Sounds like you have a hard life Lunkan ;)

Amazing how Americans and Swedes look the same :)

Some good looking cars too. None better looking than your white one :cool:
Is it just me or does that one car look like its driving around with a hard on? :eek: :D Just kidding....I don't need any international enemies.;) Nice pics, keep'em coming.
Well.. there is an old saying.. anytime you drive to the track and are able to drive home.. is a successful day. New car has issues.. guess they need to be worked on. Hopefully the next track visit is better for you. All of us that race our cars have bad days that things dont seem to work for us. April 30th I had a similar day.. and best run that day was like an 11.8 by luck.

Keep at it, better days will come.. they always do.

If dialin in a car was easy everyone would be a lot faster :p seat time ..seat time ... did I say seat time ??? :D
Thanks for the replies. Well, the biggest problem at the moment is to find out what´s wrong with the rear. Atleast I found out that it´s the bushings that´s causing the terrible bang. They need to be replaced.