Usable blocks?


New Member
Nov 4, 2002
I just read an article in Hemmings Rods & Performance that said turbo blocks don't have any more nickel and aren't any stronger than regular 3.8s. It seems the only difference was a threaded hole for the oil from the trubo. They also said a 4.1 V6 was an option (not turbo) for Buicks starting in 1981, and recommended using any 1977-1987 block (even-fire) for performance buildups. Their sources were Jack Merkel and Ron's Custom Automotive Service. Anyone want to confirm or deny this info?
I would list this on the general tech.If you already have and I missed it,ignore my post.I would like to see the outcome.
Originally posted by TheNovaMan
I just read an article in Hemmings Rods & Performance that said turbo blocks don't have any more nickel and aren't any stronger than regular 3.8s. It seems the only difference was a threaded hole for the oil from the trubo. They also said a 4.1 V6 was an option (not turbo) for Buicks starting in 1981, and recommended using any 1977-1987 block (even-fire) for performance buildups. Their sources were Jack Merkel and Ron's Custom Automotive Service. Anyone want to confirm or deny this info?

True. I would add that the 86-7 "109" casting blocks are the best because they got a couple of casting improvements such as a more solid lifter valley, recessed head bolt threads, etc. The block in my GN was originally a carbureted Goodwrench replacement 109 block. Take a look at for more on this and pictures of the various blocks.
Originally posted by Big Mike
I would list this on the general tech... I would like to see the outcome.
Okay, I'll post it there too. Was the 109 block only available as a replacement?
So should I just go to a junkyard an find a V6 Buick, or is there a better way to get a good block (without spending a fortune)?
I have a 85 hot air when I blew the old engine I call Jack Merkel. He would not even use my old block he only recommends 109s.
How hard is it to find a 109 block, and how outrageously expensive are they? Do the #2 and #3 main oil holes still have to be enlarged to 3/8"? It's not that I don't trust Merkel, it's just that there are so many Buicks running 9s with their stock blocks. If a stock block is good for 9s, do I really have to be so picky and get a 109 casting if I doubt that I'll even dip into the 9s?
I've been to every yard and rebuild shop/Core Supply in a 50-75 miles radius of Toronto . When you ask about a 86-87 3.8 L V6 RWD blocks . They look at you like your from outer space . and if you mention a 4.1L . They crank their heads and their eyes roll back in their sockets.good luck . The only way of finding this stuff is from networking with with people that are into these cars :). I suggest you gather up as many as these blocks you can get your hands on . they will be like gold bars in the bank in the years to come :D .

I went to a rather large local rebuilder in the GTA and his reply was as follows . " We put those 3.8L pieces of sh*t in the metal scrap bin. They where junk " .

The case with those engines. were once they were ready for a real rebuild the car was most likely ready to be scrapped . Yards are are not keeping much instock anything below 1990 . There is not a big enough demand for parts on these cars . Not many 86-67 Regals and Cutlass , Montes really on the street .
I even went to the extend of contacting some car people I know in of all places Kapuskasing/Timmins/Kirkland Lake Ont . Figuring the yards up and around that area may still have a few of these on hand kicking around . To my surprise I was contacted back and was told the same thing . Not many people up there working in the mills making $30 hr+ and paying $350 a month for a real nice 2 bedroom apt are driving around or want 15 year old cars :) .
My Grandfather has a clunker 81 Cutlass just quietly rusting away. (Rod knock indicated spun rod bearing.) I could probably get it for downright cheap. Would the block out of that be usable, or should I try to find a later model? What about the trans, rearend, suspension, etc.--could I salvage any of that?
Originally posted by TheNovaMan
How hard is it to find a 109 block, and how outrageously expensive are they? Do the #2 and #3 main oil holes still have to be enlarged to 3/8"? It's not that I don't trust Merkel, it's just that there are so many Buicks running 9s with their stock blocks. If a stock block is good for 9s, do I really have to be so picky and get a 109 casting if I doubt that I'll even dip into the 9s?

The stock block isthe "109" casting. The 109 casting is just the stock production casting for 86-7. Yes, you can do the mods Merkel recommended. Down here, at least, these blocks are fairly easily found. The one in my GN came out of the U-pull-it for $60.

Originally posted by TheNovaMan
My Grandfather has a clunker 81 Cutlass just quietly rusting away. (Rod knock indicated spun rod bearing.) I could probably get it for downright cheap. Would the block out of that be usable, or should I try to find a later model? What about the trans, rearend, suspension, etc.--could I salvage any of that?

Find a later model. Almost nothing from that car is worth using in a turbo application (smaller rear, 350 or 200C trans, etc.).