USED car lots & sales folk BITE!

Originally posted by 36IndexGN
WAY to many posts to read all of, here goes my story. Mine you I am very active with and currently have my turbo in my apt waiting to be sent to John Craig :cool:

I almost took a job at a new Saab dealership selling them, its a product I belive in , but my story happend at a mini used saab dealer, mostly classics.

I asked about a silver one on the lot, I was told it wasnt for sale, then the man explained nothing was for sale, I told him I was completely lost:confused:

Then he says, I tell him what I want, and he finds it, so Im thinking ok, Then mention its for a friend I know, she is going to be a senior, and just like the soupnazi on Seinfeld, told me he wouldn't sell me the car:eek: or any car. Since she would ruin it in his words. I had absoloutly no idea what to say and just left.

Come to find out he wouldn't sell somebody parts since he thought this guys car wasn't good enough to fix, told him to leave it and take the plates off.

There has to be more to it. it doesnt make sense. this guy sounds like more of a car enthousist than a salesman to me. I could be wrong and in that case, he is a total jack ass.
Sorry for not adding to the thread as I am on vacation this week & my laptop doesn't like to stay attached to the loacal numbers.

WOW it went way off..

But I will add this
both customers & salesmen can be idiots.
Also the opposite can be true.

My last 2 cars I purchased at dealers. One was a mini van & the price was 11,900. I said lets cut to the chase. my offer is 10k . I told the sales man i will buy it on the spot if his salesmanager agrees. NO back & forth playing games. I was upfront. They came back & said deal done. took under 1/2 hour.

Same for my olds I bought it from Long Olds/Caddy in framingham mass (yes mass even thought I hate this state)
I told the salesman I was ready to buy but wanted him to be upfront & honest about the cars.
I told him I did not need the azzache of a lemon.
In fact he stirred me away from a bonny ssei to which he knew something about the car..

He told me they rate the cars among themselves (sales team)
I wanted the truth if it was a 1 owner or flood/auction car. He told me who owned it & they moved to mass & traded it in.

This car has been one of the best cars I have owned & would consider buying from this dealer again because they don't even open on sunday. They take a real nice approach with its customers & treat you nice.

I can't speak for those bad credit customers because I have never been in the situation YET.
Sorry guys, but I have one last complaint. I can't stand when a customer does not come back to you because they had mechanical failures with their car that they bought. "ready to buy another one?" "Nope, not buying another car HERE" "Why not, we financed you when nobody else would, I thought you were happy." "over the course of this year dat I had da car, I had nuttin but problems with it!" "What kind of problems?"
"Man, I had to put a new alternator on it, change the oil, put in new antifreeze, AND a new set of tires!" I forgot that it was ME who snuck over to your house, f'd with your alternator, and forced you to maintain the car. Sorry about that! Dealers do not WANT to have their customer's cars break down, especially me because my customers have to make payments to me for up to 2 years. News flash: you are buying a used car for the purpose of re-establishing credit. To do this, the car will be cheap, so that you will have it paid off fast! The car has 120,000 miles on it! It is gonna break down every now and again. But even though you finance the customer when NOBODY else will, and they get the car at a pretty fair price as far as secondary finance is concerned, the customers still MF you if they have to put brake pads on the car, or change the damn oil for god's sake. They really and truly believe that they are gonna buy one of my cars, and never have to put a dollar into it. Just gas (and no insurance) If you have a car with 120,000 miles on it for 2 years, and the extent of repairs are and alternator, and maybe a water pump, you are in DAMN GOOD SHAPE! But my customers think that they got a lemon (wich is a term I hate!!!!! A lemon is a new car with unexplainable problems! What my customers get are USED cars!)
and want to try to go bu a car elsewhere. But, some (and I do mean some) of them are not bad people that are in a rut. I don't mind helping them. It just pisses me off (and I know it would piss ALL of you guys off too if you saw it....) To have to sell a '90 Ford Tempo to some poor schmuck that busts his ass every day sweeping floors so his kids can eat, while some piece of crap who is on social security (for no apparent reason) and got a county voucher (wich can be up to $3,000, some of wich was contributed by the floor sweeping poor schmuck) free drives a Cadillac of my lot. That REALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!! Our Government needs to Seriously examine how they spend our tax dollars. They are GIVING a huge chunk of it away to scam artists! Welfare, ADC, Section 8 housing, WICK, County Vouchers should all not exist!!!
Whey should these losers get jobs, when they can make more money smoking weed all day, and walking to the mail box! Even these educational grants from the government are handled ridiculously! I've seen as much as $5000 being scammed. They apply for the money for "school", and when the gov. ok's it, do you think they send the money right to the school in question? Or even send the check to the student, but make out to the school..............................NOPE!!!!!!!!!! They send a huge check, right to the "student's" door, made out to him/her!!!!!! Do you think that the school sees 1 dime???? They buy cars/clothes/jewelry/drugs/electronics, and then they are on to the next scam (the newest one is the home daycare provider, these brawds make upwards of 4k/month tax free to watch 3 or 4 kids for the day, then collect a 3k= tax return at the end of the year) anyone want to know how to balance the state/fed. budget???? QUIT GIVING OUR GOD DAMN MONEY AWAY TO CON ARTISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(off my soapbox.):D
yes, they do! They do what they call a budget analysis on a customer, asking them about all there spending habits, and if they dont have x amount of cash left over after all their expenses, they won't sell them a car period! Or a very recent repo, they will not touch.
Yea, there is alot of scum out there trying to get somthing for nothing. i have the same problem with customers if their car breaks. They seem to think that i knew th problem was going to happen. They ask me what kind of warranty i GIVE WITH THE CAR? i tell them, if the car manufacturer wont back this car over a certain amount of mileage, why would i? I tell them i can sell you a service contract but i dont give anything away. Cars Break, There are so many moving parts, it has to break. Ill tell a customer that it will break. You would have to be crazy to think otherwise. Pepole seem to think that they are buying a brand new car.

Anyways, about the pepole tha scam pepole and the gov. like i said before, if these pepole put that much effort into doing things right, they would live pretty good.
Well, I'm with you on that. When I was doing the small loans, I'd see quite often a charge off balance on what had to be a car. I'd ask what the deal was, and 90% would say "that's not mine, I 'turned that car in'". I educate them on the fact that a car isn't "turned in", they just saved them the money of paying the repo guy to come out. A car lot sells the car (usually) a finance co. of some sort (like I was at the time) provides the money. Giving the car to the lot doesn't change the fact that these people decided to lend you the money. Nothing in the disclosure about the car, except that you'd keep it in good running condition. They'd always look surprised that they were actually expected to pay it back.


#1 Unless you report to the major credit bureau's (doubt it) you aren't helping them re-establish credit. At least, not very usable. Maybe for the local furniture store that does their own financing and may call you for a credit check, but that's about it.

#2 The reason they don't take it seriously, drop off the car and leave it with you and don't pay the balance, is that they can go to another dealership just like you in the next town and get *another* car. That lot won't know any better, and will be looking at the same credit you were when you approved them, and will do the same. Even if you pursue them for collection, they're in the next car long before you get judgment. I doubt you pursue them very often though, not always easy to collect on people like that, especially on gov't income. People have been desensitized about the condition of their credit due to ease of availability from places like your lot, certain credit cards etc. They accept a loan at a state max interest rate since it doesn't matter. They may not even pay it off! Why pay your bills if you can get what you want anyway? That's the mentality that's bugging you so much, but your type of financing caters to it and encourages it. I don't blame you guys, I think people are responsible for their own actions, (a few are victims of circumstance, but not many). Nothing wrong with it, I guess, supply=demand. No point getting frustrated though, that's the business. ;)