Valve stem seal woes

Boostin TA

New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Hey Everyone, Last winter I changed over to the 100lb valve springs and I figured while I was there I may as well change the Valve seals, little did I know that was the worst mistake I could have ever made. Since then I have not be able to get the exhaust seals to seat properly and they keep pushing up on the valve. The intake seals seat fine with no problem. Ive tried replacing the seals numerous times with oem from gm and aftermarket with no luck. Im at a loss of what to do from here as the car looks like a crop duster while driving down the road, and it only started right after I changed the seals. Ive oiled the seal and used the protective plastic cover over the valve when installing them but they just wont stay seated down correctly :( I want to drive my car again but I need to get this ongoing problem resolved. If anyone has any ideas please let me know

Thanks Guys
1989 TTA #1163
2002 CETA #873