Volt Booster

They're a waste of money. But if you insist on getting one I have one for sale.
Get the one from bowling green customs that you can adjust the voltages. Its the best thing i have ever installed. If the voltage drops you have more chance of popping at high boost, I tested this on a few cars, and it did help the poping symptoms 50% of the time
I got one from Mike Licht about 4 years ago and have had no problems with it. Don't know if it saved me from anything, but sounds logical to want more electrical power at WOT. Besides, my windows go up and down real fast at full throttle. :D
Red Armstrong sells a unit that most people feel is a quality product. If you are in BG next month, pick one up off him...
excuse the newbie question - but can some one explain what exactly this does and where it is installed at?

i just picked up and 89 tta and i believe it has one of these on it....


What type do you have? Some increase the charging voltage at WOT by reading the boost level and some tap into the TPS wire to activate. I run a Reds (Quad Air) which taps into a boost line.

If you post pics of yours we can tell what you have there.
Originally posted by U1ARUNIT

What type do you have? Some increase the charging voltage at WOT by reading the boost level and some tap into the TPS wire to activate. I run a Reds (Quad Air) which taps into a boost line.

If you post pics of yours we can tell what you have there.

can you tell me where it would be located? the previous owner mentioned it... but i didn't ask him where it was exactly....
Originally posted by j13smiley
can you tell me where it would be located? the previous owner mentioned it... but i didn't ask him where it was exactly....
Should be right near the alternator. Probably behind it.
thanks - car is at the body shop rigth now. as soon as it comes back i've gotta get her cleaned up and i have some things to track down. this is on my list!

thanks guys!