Website update, Dark Red T and GN new pics & times

Originally posted by boostedmaxPSI
How did you know that I'm an Engineer? I'm the Regional Engineering Manager for T-Mobile, and worked as a lab Engineer for 2 plus years on the latest wireless technology.
What field are you in?
I'm psychic:) Actually, I was refering to myself since I am a Civil Engineer. I thought you were a telemarketer since your profile stated Telecommunications. I did pick up the analytical angle you used of me needing a polished turbo, and the focus and persistence of which an Engineer would have...I should
Originally posted by tim87tr
I'm psychic:) Actually, I was refering to myself since I am a Civil Engineer. I thought you were a telemarketer since your profile stated Telecommunications. I did pick up the analytical angle you used of me needing a polished turbo, and the focus and persistence of which an Engineer would have...I should

Telemarketer! OMG I'm crushed!!! I need to modify my profile then.
hey im currently pursuing something in engineering...not sure what degree im headed for, thinking from computer engineering to aerospace, so im pretty clueless, any advise on picking or to make it through?
Originally posted by |2egal84
hey im currently pursuing something in engineering...not sure what degree im headed for, thinking from computer engineering to aerospace, so im pretty clueless, any advise on picking or to make it through?
I really don't know too much about the newer engineering fields after being a Civil Engineer for 13 years, but have given some basic advice to my girlfriends son who will start in Engineering next year. A good way to investigate the various Eng fields is to speak to people who do those type jobs. Locate these people through a network of friends or acquaintances, who know people in different fields. I wish I had looked into things more myself.

I think most schools try to "weed out" many students in the first two years with 4 semesters of calculus, chemistry, etc. Take as many college-bound high school senior classes you can, and summer classes at a colllege to help you prepare for the weed-out classes. Mental toughness, persistence, and determination to succeed will take you a long ways in college also. I think it's easy to make errors in focusing on what's important (getting through college), and I know I made some mistakes myself. Some things to avoid are the party scene, the wrong crowd, long distant relationships or needy distracting girlfriends, and any other distractions that would affect your goal to finish college. Once you start college, it helps to network with other students occasionally in study groups to tackle difficult classes and assignments. Good Luck
Originally posted by |2egal84
hey im currently pursuing something in engineering...not sure what degree im headed for, thinking from computer engineering to aerospace, so im pretty clueless, any advise on picking or to make it through?

Pick a field that makes you happy and keeps you interested. You want to be passionate about your work to succeed or it will be just a JOB.
thx a ton guys, im in my first semester and im still in the high school mode, i took all honors classes and a couple of those AP classes, but slacked bad, its amazing how little you can do in h/s and still do good:rolleyes: but college is unsurprisingly a different story, and my job keeps me up..until im posting this, while i have to get up at 5:30 in the morning for school:eek:....and hey cant quit the job or i wont be able to get that GN i want:D but thanks a ton for the feedback