Well it finally happend!


RIP Charlie!
Sep 20, 2007
My boss came to me about 10:00 this morning and asked to see me in his office. I am now unemployed. He did give me severance and my vaction time that I hadn't used so I have about 1 months pay but this is very little consolation. THIS SUCKS!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
Man, that sucks. Hope you can find something out there. Its pretty tough right now.
Sorry to hear this. Man that sucks. What did you do at your job?
Sorry Charlie.......... Maybe something better in the future.

Good Luck.
Sad to hear man. You seem the sort who'll find yer way tho!;)
And you aren't alone, we laid off another 200 this week too.:mad:
What kind of work do you do? Not all industries are down right now. Don't worry, things will get better for you.

Hey! Don't make fun of the president. He has so many programs in place that only a fool would work in these times. In fact, I was unemployed for a few days earlier this year and found so many things that are cheap or free because he is in office. A normal family membership to the ymca is $98 a month. We picked ours up for $18 a month because of some new program for people who are out of work right now. I am still waiting to hear of free internet and cable for those who don't have jobs. Crap, they give away child care and houses...why go to work.
Welcome To The Club Always Keep In Mind Things Happen For A Reason If You Really Feel Bad Go Back There With Your Gun And Shot Your Boss Ill Be Watching The News Looking For You J/k Im No Help Has You Can See Don't Worry About It To Much Just Collect And Drink A Beer And Start Opening Your Eyes Good Luck.
Sorry to hear that. We lost 6 yesterday...I've seen more people come and go around here. It's crazy. I work at a newspaper and you know how all papers are doing...I'm just hanging on like a rat on a sinkin ship

Sorry to hear that man. Keep your head up and in the right place and you'll make it through.

Our problem where I work is not that we need work but that we need help. Heck we are 40+ people short for the facility but due to "budget" problems they have a hiring freeze on and won't hire anyone.
Sorry to hear this. Man that sucks. What did you do at your job?

I'm an ASE Master tech. People just don't want to get their cars fixed right now. If this keeps up the shop will be closed at the end of the year and it's been here for almost 20 years.

Sorry Charlie.......... Maybe something better in the future.
Good Luck.

I'm sure of it. I've been waiting for this to happen for a while, My old boss is just spending money right and left and it's just hitting him what he's done. I think he wants to get out of the business now though.

Sad to hear man. You seem the sort who'll find yer way tho!;)
And you aren't alone, we laid off another 200 this week too.:mad:

WOW! 200 more jobs lost? This is getting worse not better as we were promised. It has to turn around soon or there will be shanty towns in Washington soon for sure.:eek:

Welcome To The Club Always Keep In Mind Things Happen For A Reason If You Really Feel Bad Go Back There With Your Gun And Shot Your Boss Ill Be Watching The News Looking For You J/k Im No Help Has You Can See Don't Worry About It To Much Just Collect And Drink A Beer And Start Opening Your Eyes Good Luck.

There have been several days that I just wanted to hit my boss over the head and scream at him, believe me. I think I'm gonna get REAL drunk tonight just for the hell of it.:eek:

Sorry to hear that. We lost 6 yesterday...I've seen more people come and go around here. It's crazy. I work at a newspaper and you know how all papers are doing...I'm just hanging on like a rat on a sinkin ship.

Man I feel for you. Since the internet started I know papers have been on the short end. Kinda sad people don't want to read anymore. Just click on the link and go from there.

Damn it Charlie.

The funny part about this is after all the cooking on the 4th, I gave 1 of the other guys a gallon bag of food to help him out. He makes much less than I do so I thought I'd help him out, and now look what happened. Ironic,yes?

Very sorry to hear.....

We do not always understand why some doors close but it is an opportunity to open new ones. People up here are looking for good techs... wanna move?

Very sorry to hear.....

We do not always understand why some doors close but it is an opportunity to open new ones. People up here are looking for good techs... wanna move?

You just want me up there so I can cook when you have a party, don't you Ty.:tongue: Where you are it gets WAY too cold for me and I HATE being cold.

Good luck with finding a new job. Get a job at a independant shop.

This was an independant shop. That's the sad part of it. The dealers here are even having problems getting work.

I'll drink a glass just for you just please don't get to drunk and do something dumb take care.

The worst thing I'd do is go visit my neighbor and make him late for work tomorow.:biggrin: Show up with a bottle of whiskey and some coke, play some pool and fall down on the way home. LOL:biggrin:
Sorry to hear about your job loss and hope something becomes available real soon for you.

John :smile:
Sorry about the job loss,Charlie.Draw the unemployment pay and earn some cash on the side doing what you're good at.What really sucks is the dam unemployment pay is taxed.Used to be tax free. Good luck.
Thanks for the good vibes guys. So far I'm about 1/3 through a small bottle of whiskey and I know I'll have a hangover in the morning but once in a while you gotta do it. Blowing off steam tonight for sure. I've never used unemployment before and don't intend to do it now if I CAN AVOID IT, but you never know, right?
Go to another independant shop, people aren't going to dealerships now. You will find something, keep your head up kid ;) trust me.