What a nail biting season that was!!!!!!!!!!!


GN's. A girls best friend
Feb 21, 2006
As most of you know, my kids are into Jr. dragsters. Last year, which was his first year of racing, my youngest son came 2 points shy of class Track Champion.

At the beginning of this year he said "I want that trophy and title at the end of the season". We encouraged him as best we could threw allot of wins and some losses. Regardless of the wins and losses he always shock his opponents hand with a congratulations or good job. Great sportsmanship at all times. Today was the last day for points and he was in the lead by 3 points. All he had to do was make it to the final and the championship was his. I'm proud to say he met his goal and is the 2008 8-9 year old Class Track Champion. He won it by a 5 point lead.He had a long hard season and earned this. We are so proud of him, words just cant explain.

This was also my Daughters first year racing. She did a great job as a beginner and finished in 12th place out of 20 other kids. Not bad for just starting out. Mind you she is racing against kids that have done this for 4-5 years already. We are also extremely proud of her accomplishments in this sport.

My congrads go out to both my kids for a job well done!!!!

Thanks for reading. Just had to share the joy. Time to go toast with a glass of chocolate milk!
THAT IS AWESOME:biggrin: Nice seeing the family participate as well. GREAT JOB TO ALL!
Thanks Ty!!! Time to breath easy for a bit, till next year that is. His best light this year was .001:eek: Maybe he can teach me a thing or two on launching,lol.
Congrats! Ty is right. Its nice to see families have full day/weekend hobbies. This world needs more of that.

If I had kids I would definitely be into the JR Dragsters. They are :cool:
Thanks guys. Just found out that he has to attend 3 days of bracket finals for the division. Problem is, school starts tomorrow and the finals are in 3 weeks and are on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'm a big person on school first, play later. But this is a once in a life time opportunity. What to do, what to do????? Plus he is in a run off for a brand new Dragster, the cost of the Dragster is around $12,000. And to think I could breath easy till next season.:(
Thanks guys. Just found out that he has to attend 3 days of bracket finals for the division. Problem is, school starts tomorrow and the finals are in 3 weeks and are on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'm a big person on school first, play later. But this is a once in a life time opportunity. What to do, what to do????? Plus he is in a run off for a brand new Dragster, the cost of the Dragster is around $12,000. And to think I could breath easy till next season.:(

If I was in your shoes............... Let's Race:cool:

Get his homework in advance and get it completed and out of the road. We can do that in rural Kansas anyway:p not sure about the big cities:D
I believe I can do that, just not sure if the'll excuss him for that reason. We are in rural Pa, not the cities (think I'd go crazy in the cities). Not alot of people around here know of Jr. Dragsters or even Drag Racing. We get alot of noses snubed at us when we talk about the family being into Drag Racing. Its complicated in some ways.

Thanks for your thoughts. I leaning twards letting him have this chance. It is only 2 days he'd miss.
I say go for it!

The school lets all the other extracurricular activities(basketball, volleyball, drama, choir, etc...) out to go to their events. How is this any different?

Ten years from now he won't even remember the days at school, but I'm sure he will remember the time he got the chance to compete for the division bracket finals.

It's all about priorities. School is nice if the students are learning but grades don't really mean a whole hill of beans if they don't learn anything.
Congrats to both. And definitely let him race at the bracket nats. He may never get another chance but by the sounds of it he may be there often.:) I'm sure he can make up what he'll be missing at school, espicially at the begining of the year.

Not my daughter but definitely my buddy after she picked my car at a Kids For Cancer day to go for a ride in. She liked it so much that she wanted to try it. So I borrowed a Jr. for her and then found the one in the picture below that I bought for her so she could race full time.
She didn't do so well in the begining but always had a smile when she came back, so I told her every time she got a .0?? light or won a round I'd give her 5 bucks. That wasn't so bad for the first year but this year a bunch of friends from the track chipped in and she now has a reliable high 8 sec. dragster that she's been going rounds in. Now she told me I only have to pay if she goes rounds.lol
The family doesn't have the funds to do this but with all the support from fellow racers and the track she is having the time of her life. Even her mom who was dead against it in the begining (which is why her cars name is "Mom Said No") is loving it and meeting lots of good people.
Anyway here's a picture of us after her first race.
Congrats to both. And definitely let him race at the bracket nats. He may never get another chance but by the sounds of it he may be there often.:) I'm sure he can make up what he'll be missing at school, espicially at the begining of the year.

Not my daughter but definitely my buddy after she picked my car at a Kids For Cancer day to go for a ride in. She liked it so much that she wanted to try it. So I borrowed a Jr. for her and then found the one in the picture below that I bought for her so she could race full time.
She didn't do so well in the begining but always had a smile when she came back, so I told her every time she got a .0?? light or won a round I'd give her 5 bucks. That wasn't so bad for the first year but this year a bunch of friends from the track chipped in and she now has a reliable high 8 sec. dragster that she's been going rounds in. Now she told me I only have to pay if she goes rounds.lol
The family doesn't have the funds to do this but with all the support from fellow racers and the track she is having the time of her life. Even her mom who was dead against it in the begining (which is why her cars name is "Mom Said No") is loving it and meeting lots of good people.
Anyway here's a picture of us after her first race.
WOW!!! My hats off to you for what you are doing. We need more stand up people in this world like yourself. That smile is irreplaceable that these kids get from this. The winning is just a bonus to them. My brother in-law is starting a nonprofit organization to help families that cant afford to do this with their kids. It will help out with the possible initial investment of car and gear, and all around moral support. Allot of big name racers maybe involved in this also. Cant give to much away just yet. If your interested, he may be interested in talking to you about your situation.

Thanks for all your doing for that little girl, memories last a life time. Please wish her luck from my family.
I believe I can do that, just not sure if the'll excuss him for that reason. We are in rural Pa, not the cities (think I'd go crazy in the cities). Not alot of people around here know of Jr. Dragsters or even Drag Racing. We get alot of noses snubed at us when we talk about the family being into Drag Racing. Its complicated in some ways.

Thanks for your thoughts. I leaning twards letting him have this chance. It is only 2 days he'd miss.

Definitely let him go, he'll learn a lot more from that than the 2 days he might miss at school, as others already said :) Just say he had a bug.

I'm interested in doing this with my boy, he turns 8 in Oct.

My wife being a typical woman is scared he'll wreck and die in a fireball like you see on TV when one of those 6 second cars has a "oops". I'm working on wearing her down :)
Just wanted to update everyone. I spoke to the school this morning and they have OK'ed the time from school. He will be attending the Division finals in 3 weeks.

Keep workin on her, she'll come around. Our track offers a Jr. safty class for new drivers. See if your track offers that and maybe she'll be more at ease about the situation.