What is to hot?


New Member
Dec 30, 2001
ok my GN is running at around 190 to 205 degrees keep in mind that i live in las vegas and its around 110 right now. I think i do have a 160 stat becouse when it first gets to around 167 it drops to 165 im think this is when it opens up?
these cars came with 195* stats....your temps are normal given the ambient temp and won't hurt a thing
I ran mine for over 4 straight hours coming through the desert at 215* to 225*. Crusing at 75-85 mph with the air on MAX, with no problems. The (IMO) 245* and up range is too hot.

From having a blowned HG I have seen 254* for a very short(1-2 minutes) without it causing any additional damage, but don't suggest running at this temp.

Gary :cool:

The coolant temps you're seeing aren't out of the range at all. Based on the ambient temps you're seeing I'd say that they are really quite good. My guess is that you don't have a front mount I/C right?

Woody I hate to say it but the factory T-stat for a GN was 180 degrees rather than the 195 you stated. Sorry.

Neal......maybe it depended on where you got your car.....my car came from Minn and it had a 195 stat(maybe the guy was cold).....I have seen others also, like a car from Prescott (high altitude?) Also seen some 180's...in any case, here in the hot, ambient plus 100* is purty good (no front mount.......heaven knows what that would be!)

see ya in Vegas!