What Long Play songs do you like

"Shine on you Crazy Diamond"

There's another Pink Floyd song that goes on forever too that I like alot, just can't remember the name:frown:
"Shine on you Crazy Diamond"

There's another Pink Floyd song that goes on forever too that I like alot, just can't remember the name:frown:

Pigs (3 different ones). Thats my favorite Floyd song. It's like 11+ minutes.
Pigs (3 different ones). Thats my favorite Floyd song. It's like 11+ minutes.

oh thanks Kevin...lol now im sitting here occasionally glancing up through the rain....wondering which of the buggers to blame and watching....for pigs on the wing

but you better watch out...there maybe dogs around

but things are not what they seem
This is a Tough One for me, cause I have quite a few Classic Rock, HeavyMetal Songs I like that are long and are simply awesome. A few have already been named here.

But my Favorite Song of All Time is a Christian Song which is over 12 Minutes Long-

Keith Green - The Prodigal Son Suite
Pink Floyd:
Echoes 0:23:00 long:eek:
Check it out on Youtube:pink Floyd Echoes Live at Pompei (3 parts)
You forgot 'Stairway To Heaven'.......awesome tune!! Love Led Zep!!

Ken B.

Just about any Led Zeppelin song played live could be extended play... I'll add Dazed and Confused to the list. I like the version from How the West Was Won. Zeppelin kicks major ass!
Xanadu by Rush or Cygnus X-1 also by Rush.

Freebird which was my graduation song.

In-A-Godda-Da-Vida is good if you have some acid and some incense. :eek:
I love any Led Zeppelin especially Kashmir
Nights in White Satin-Moody Blues
Aqualung-Jethro Tull
Any Mark Knopfler, R.E.M., and Rush, of course
From Two of my favorite back-to-back Albums :
"Paradise / The Spell" from "Demons and Wizards"
and the title song from "The Magician's Birthday"

Wow!...I don't know what to say...Most of you guys seem to like "hard rock" or "heavy metal" agressive types of music...Which is ok...But not me. I'm much more into smoother, relaxed easy listening music, some blues like Stevie Ray Vaughan, or maybe Smokey Robinson, Johnny Mathis, etc...

Claude :smile:

P.S: It makes me wonder if there is a link between the music we listen to and the kind of car we drive...:confused: ...Does my kind of music fit with my GN ? I like smooth music, but an aggressive GN?...:confused:...
OK, SRV Tin Pan Alley. Like that one too.