what the hell is wrong with people?!

Originally posted by TurboMike
Your strong. Alot stronger than I. I really don't know what I would do if something happened to me like that. I figure I would be very bitter. I admire your courage and determination. I can see that you get "the big picture" and understand that we are on this earth for just a short time and then man-o-man look what's ahead! God bless you!

I don't think about it much, but when I do, I thank god that he has kept me safe (so far) but for a while I did think through the paralyzation issue and I started out convinced that if it happened to me, I would also kill myself because I also would not want to "live like that" but I think as I imagined it more, I came to accept it more too. It would still be a bummer, but I would adapt to it too. And it WOULD beat being "dead"!:D

(12:49pm) Unfortunately, I do not call myself a "Christian" (sorry Mike) and although I believe 95% in the existence of "God", God did not come to me at a very low point in my life and "save" me. But he (or is it she? it?) did come and "laid his hand on me" or so I imagine. For me, it was a very unnerving feeling to feel like a giant that you cannot see, has pressed you with his finger, much like a small child might press his thumb on an ant - not enough to kill it, but enough to press the ant into the ground so that it cannot move. Like I said, this was a VERY unnerving feeling I have had that has happened to me TWICE. Unnerving at first, I must say.

Imagine it like this: if the ant could talk, and said to the kid "Go ahead, kid, squash my guts out - I DARE you..." image what that kid would probably do...

I kept my mouth shut :eek:

Once I actually accepted it, I actually felt quite peaceful. Between the first time and the second time, I felt a little crazy at times when I thought about it, asking myself whether what I felt was 100% for real, or I just imagined it in my head. The first time, I remember having somewhat of a powerful feeling in myself before hand - something like "there is no such thing as God" before I got that feeling of being squeezed like an ant. The second time, I wasn't really thinking about it, but it was all of a sudden, and the message I walked away with was "Hey, ant, you haven't forgot about me, have you?"

So anyway, Mike, thanks for the Bible references. As for Matthew 10:30, I have to say that my "numbers" are dwindling, if you know what I mean, heh heh.;)

Do you know of any passages that might help me in my search to find MY "purpose" in life?:confused:
Originally posted by TurboMike
Your strong. Alot stronger than I. I really don't know what I would do if something happened to me like that. I figure I would be very bitter. I admire your courage and determination. I can see that you get "the big picture" and understand that we are on this earth for just a short time and then man-o-man look what's ahead! God bless you!

Mike, thanks but I'm not as strong as I could be. You never know your own strength till you have to use it. I think until someone has a reaon to ask for help from the lord they will never get it. When modern med. can't do anything but say "maybe oneday we'll get you fixed" you look for a higher power. Just like with cars the more I learn about turbo Buicks the faster I wanna go. So this crippled guy will still hand you your butt at the track and then buy you a beer afterwards.
Bad decisions are OK.
OK in the sense of the results of free will as it has been since the beginning of man, with the exception of killing.....! I'm saying free will in everything BUT KILLING.

Killing = bad decision.....shouldn't be included as a freedom of choice.

You want freedom to choose between killing a person and not killing a person? Why?
You still haven't answered this!

You are saying that robbery, rape and child molestation would be ok...if you are a free will advocate. I didn't name any of those. But now that you mentioned it...why have ANY criminal act as a freedom of will. Are you in favor of criminal acts? Seems so.

You're saying that having NO free will in the matter of killing someone, would make you feel like a puppet? I don't want to believe that.

If I am denied ANY part of freewill I do NOT have freewill.
So if you have limits set on a pilots license, that means you have no pilots license. Bad logic. Those are only limitations set on a basic premise,rule or act.

Like I said faith is the only thing holding that kind of logic together.

No, logic is what is holding the faith together.

Faith is non-logical, that's why it is callled FAITH, not FACT.

If it works for you, that's what makes it important. Have some individual thought without parroting.

Again.... why would anyone want to have free will to kill or commit a crime? It's just a limitation not a total denial of free will that I'm talking about. You and the world knows I'm right.

I'm sure the moms, dads, sisters, brothers and relatives of the men that have been killed or will be killed in Iraq would have some interesting comments about free will. I know I would give it up (killing and crime) to make sure my brother wasn't killed over there. Seems like you don't agree...killing loved ones is fine with you just so you can maintain the wonderful gift of free will.

Not you specifically :) but the universal you!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Uh dude, can I ask how old you are? Since I'm asking you, I'll go on record as being 30 y/o.

Originally posted by turbo

You and the world knows I'm right.

Are you for real? Based on what TurboMike has said (that's who this comment was directed at, right?) I don't believe he thinks you are right. I certainly don't think you are right. I bet if I set up a poll (which I will not b/c I don't want to waste BW) and people actually took the time to vote, I think you'd be voted AT LEAST 51% wrong!

As was said earlier, are you reading all the posts and really thinking about what has been said, or are you mainly thinking about what you want to say in your next post?:confused:

(I'm clicking the "edit" button and adding my answer in blocks. I found that if I type it out all at once, I'll usually lose everything into electronic never-never land)

Originally posted by turbo
why would anyone want to have free will to kill or commit a crime?

If I grew up in the ghetto, and my mother was a crack ho, and I never knew my father, my house is a nasty slum, I'm lucky to have a worn out coat to keep me warm in the winter, etc, and I happen to see you walking down the street in your nice clothes, or you left your Buick in front of the quickie-mart running with the doors unlocked, I am going to commit the crime of grand theft auto with very little thought - or if I happen to have a gun in my pocket, I'll probably car-jack your cracker-butt. I would be pretty bummed if GOD limited my free will to go cruising in your fly ride. I'd also be pretty bummed b/c I wouldn't really have the free will to choose to change my life for the better. Maybe I will, and maybe I won't, but it's nice to think that I can have at least that!

Originally posted by turbo
Seems like you don't agree...killing loved ones is fine with you just so you can maintain the wonderful gift of free will.

Seems like you want to put words in someone else's mouth. I've "known" TurboMike since nearly the beginning of tb.com. If anything happened to his wife & kids I don't know how devastated he would be, but it surely would NOT be fine with him. There has been many a christian who have changed their belief because they have lost someone close to them, and they choose to turn away from God. God would not take my wife from me. I'm a good person, I go to church, I help the poor, etc. Why is God "punishing" me???

The "wonderful gift of free will" is not his to maintain. But think about this: if you limit free will in even the slightest way, then you cannot say there is free will. If there is not total free will, then we don't really have individual choice, and we can't be held totally responsible for our choices. If we can't be held totally responsible for our choices, the we wouldn't be able to truly be judged for the choices that we have made.

Of course, these concept totally clash with the beliefs that I have in Calvinistic ideas - but then it has been something for me to work at reconciling calvinistic ideas with those of free will, but that is a separate issue altogether.

Originally posted by turbo

Faith is non-logical, that's why it is callled FAITH, not FACT.

If it works for you, that's what makes it important. Have some individual thought without parroting.

Again.... why would anyone want to have free will to kill or commit a crime? It's just a limitation not a total denial of free will that I'm talking about. You and the world knows I'm right.

I'm sure the moms, dads, sisters, brothers and relatives of the men that have been killed or will be killed in Iraq would have some interesting comments about free will. I know I would give it up (killing and crime) to make sure my brother wasn't killed over there. Seems like you don't agree...killing loved ones is fine with you just so you can maintain the wonderful gift of free will.

It would certainly be nice if there were no more killing in the world. I would be even nicer if there was no more robbery or rape too. But while we're making our pefect world, we'd have to pay attention to overpopulation (and the starvation that would follow) but why stop there, there's global environmental damage (we don't want to kill ourselve by destroying our environment, right?) racial prejudice, child molestation, cruelty to animals, not enough drag strips, not enough money for the Buick, the list goes on... We live in an imperfect world. Someone that doesn't really understand GOD asks "Why does God let bad things happen?" Either he is not all powerful, or it just doesn't make sense to me why he let's it happen?

I don't think any LIVING person has the ability to understand God 100%. I sure don't. I look at it as being similar to the condition between a child and his/her parents. A 5 yr old would not "understand" why mommy get's mad at daddy because daddy was looking at some other grown up (who was a gorgeous supermodel in a swimsuit) but it's no mystery to us as adults! So I feel it is a similar situation between human beings and God. I think that a living person CANNOT understand God 100% (if they did, they would pretty much BE like God themselves)

Have you seen "Bruce Almighty" when Jim Carrey decides to grant eveyone's prayers without finding out what they are first? And thousands of people win the lottery, but because so many people win the lottery, each person only wins @ 50 cents.

So I can't tell you EXACTLY why god "allows" so much bad in the world. About the best I could do is share my beliefs as to why b/c I've wondered a lot about that myself. I don't believe any normal living person has the ability to understand God 100%. You would have to turn into a person like Jesus or Moses to be able to "understand" god, but it doesn't seem like something that you'd be able to achieve by yourself.

what do you say about that?:p
Originally posted by TurboMike
I will look up some pretty cool stuff for you this weekend. In the meantime do me a favor and order a book called "The purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. It is absolute excellent reading. If you can't get one, i'll buy you one!


if that don't work go to www.cbd.com and type purpose driven life in the search topic

Hey thanks for the offer on the book, but I'm going to decline the offer b/c I'd probably set it on the shelf and never read it (or maybe I'd read it "one of these days") I'm only a few clicks from buying it myself anyways:D

TurboMike - think you can point me to the bible passages that make reference to the sun shining on both good and evil men alike as well as raining on both the honest and the dishonest?