What's in a Name?


Growing Member
Jun 4, 2008
I know many people name their cars. I've named a few in the past. The names just popped out at me, is that how it happens for you?

I ask because, My youngest has now named about every piece of equipment we have! We have big James and little James, Toby, Percy, Spencer, Molly, Diesel, Rusty, and Hiro! If you've got young boys you might recognize where these names all come from. I think it's cute!:D Anybody have any similar experiences?
Back when I had my Nova my daughter was soooo amused by my lighted purge solenoid. I remember when I first hooked the purge up to the car she was outside when I tested it. There was a lot of moisture in the air and it was fairly cold that day. When I purged it for the 1st time, the NO2 froze some of the water droplets in the air and they fell on top of the cowl, roof and ground like snow. She loved it!!! So every time we went for a ride she said she wanted to see Frosty. The name stuck...even though the car was black she called it Frosty. I miss her :frown:
My daughter called the GN "the black car" and now she calls the SVO t"the red car"

I always called the GN "elsie" (LC2) in fact my plates are ELCEE2.
Frosty! Man that's cute!
My girl did the same red/black thing with our daily driver's too. This youngest one sure has a way about him though! I forgot to mention that his bike is blue and he's named it "Thomas". Just amazes me that he can pull every train's name off the top of his head and know it's color, number, and general size.
I named my car Mas Hooptie, but at school its called either Deebo or a piece of &&#%*&??