Whats up with CAS?


New Member
Jun 27, 2001
I bought a cas v4 from cas and installed it about 6 months ago. Recently the aluminum bracket on the passenger side that mounts to the intercooler broke. I called Tony and he said he would send me one, that was over a month ago. I have since called him and left voicemail and even emailed him...No response! Whats up????
No need to get alarmed...nothing personal...everyone gets the same treatment.

That's just the special "Tony-Touch".

He has been moving the last 2 weeks into a way larger facility, so his phone and computer will be back online soon.

Do not worry, you will get your stuff.
I finally got my stuff after months of waiting. It was worth it! I can't wait to get home today and throw all the **** on. Don't worry; he'll get it to you.

I was at his new shop yesterday and it's huge compared to the last one. I think the people that I saw were full time also so he should be able to produce a lot more now.
Kinda thought it was something like that..thanx..Has anyone else had a problem with that bracket breaking?
Not me but I'm going to look tonight.

If it is bad I'm going stainless steel. Or maybe tool steel. :)
I too have had horrible response from Tony over the last several months. I had ordered the billet caps from him, as they were the only piece my machinist needed to get started. The long of the short is, I could never get any response (over a month), until I finally faxed him an order cancellation notice. He called me back before the fax had completed transmitting. I simply suggested that he get someone to cover customer service, or he would continue to lose his customer base. It is very frustrating!!! I have verbally and electronically promoted his products for a long time, as I think they are absolutely top notch. He just needs to hire someone to field his calls, and keep up with the daily regimen of things, IMO.
I'm encouraged to hear that he is expanding his facility and staff, and certainly hope he'll be able to redeem his service levels for communication, as well as product availability. Good news...!