Where is a reliable tranny shop in Phoenix?

TurBo BiRd

Strong Islander
May 17, 2002
I need to get my tranny rebuilt and I dont know what tranny shops are reliable, Anyone suggest a shop in Phoenix, AZ that has experience w/ 200r4's?
I would say that if Mr. Cummings is still at the Weldon campus, ask him for some help. I learned from him many years ago and he is a lot like Bruce...really knows his stuff. He isn't the kind of builder that will say "throw it together". He checks and rechecks everything and makes sure it is 110% correct or it gets taken back apart.
if i remember correctly Hughes transmission is in phoeniz, they are really good on alot of transmissions, don't know how good on 2004-r's you should check them out
Grant J Farmer
Originally posted by TurBo BiRd
I need to get my tranny rebuilt and I dont know what tranny shops are reliable, Anyone suggest a shop in Phoenix, AZ that has experience w/ 200r4's?

How about Nick Micale? He works on TR's for a living and is highly respected in the TR world. That's where I would go. Look him up at www.arizonagn.com