Where is the old Friday night show these days?

Not to worry, It is pouring rain.
I didn't go because it looked so bad and I was right. We just had a heck of a storm go through W Lake Worth.
It was a monsoon. Two GN's out there, no-one showed up at the shop. I guess the rain scared people off. There were actually many cars out there but the rains that came down was hellacious.
It is almost impossible to do the cruise shows in the summer down here and not get rained on this time of year.
Actually only until recently has there been alot of rainy evenings. Quite of few folks have been after us to hold another Palm Beach Meet at J&J but with the unpredictable weather we are holding off for now. If the weather is decent, we try to roll out to the Southern & 441 show on Saturday evenings. Feel free to call the shop on Saturday to see who is heading out there. 561-547-0460.

Went out there last night. No one told me it was put on by a Mustang Club. There were about 60 cars and at least 45 were Mustangs. Couple nice vettes but probably won't do it again.