Where to find tranny fluid lines to radiator


The Florida Cruiser
May 27, 2001
So a few years ago I had taken my GN in to a local radiator shop to have the radiator repaired and, sure enough, they decided to cut the transmission lines going into the radiator, as opposed to just unscrewing them. I've had them sort of half-ass attached using rubber tubing for the time being, but I think its time I try to replace them with some new or used ones. Does anyone know where I can find any?

I would tell those morons to pay for new lines. Why would they just cut them? They are about $80.00. Kirban has them, my local Buick dealer had them recently also.
Sounds like a perfect spot to install a tranny cooler with rubber hose in one line.

Replace the rubber splice in the other line with a dual clamped new trans. hose rubber line and you are done assuming it does need changing out that is.

Good for 18 years at least on a driver. :)