Which state produces the best women?

Say, you guys sure believe in rough sex, oops I mean fun.
Don't take any prisoners down there, huh?
my vote

I'm voting for Tennessee. There's just something about it, every time I go there I see the hottest women. Believe it or not, Northern WI and Minn has some hotties. You start getting that Norwegian influence the farther north you go and sooner or later it's blondes as far as the eye can see
Originally posted by Wells
Say, you guys sure believe in rough sex, oops I mean fun.
Don't take any prisoners down there, huh?

From the last couple of posts I'd say that PRISON SEX is more like it;) :eek:
I've been just about everywhere in the US, I think Texas is great, but Colorado runs a close second I guess cause all the women are active there outdoors, skiing or hiking or biking. NYC is a close 3rd I guess because everyone's walking everywhere and are in good shape physically.
You know MD is not all that bad, Not the best but not the worst. I have to vote for NJ, I have always had the pleasure of meeting hotties from NJ
Re: Texas

Originally posted by fast86gn
You know this would have been a cool thread if it hadn't been started by a Di** Su***** Fa*. Ah excuse me while I clear his throat. :eek:
I see my beeeotch finally replied....Hey David call me about the Addison show. I might bring out thr GN.
Ok guys... I am from Sweden, but since I have get to known some american girls I must say Texas also.

i say tennessee or kansas, both have some fine looking hot chicks....

i believe kansas has the highest overall rating for the hottest chicks nation wide...

Hawaii. It's warm all the time so the women are always in the bikini shape mode. Plus you get these mixes of asian and caucasian that produce some stunning features.
Well, it sure isn't NH. One in hundred is worth a look on a fortunate day here. Lucky for me I met mine in MA. At least she has great teeth since she's a hygenist.:D
It was written in playboy that Minnesota has some of the hottest women. Thank god spring and summer are comming, the women where alot less. :D
Originally posted by Way2QWK
there are some hot ones here in tucson. University of arizona baby:D :D :p

When I lived in Tucson hot chicks were a minority. They all went to U of A and were stuck up. Tucson is a big sausage fest. That's why I went to college in Cali. :cool: