white dots in clear coat

Good possibility, use the guide coat to find the defects in the surface. Sand scratches and pinholes should show up better. Is The part you are noticing this problem made of fiberglass? Sometimes cheaper gel coats get more pinholes in them and can be harder to remove. Once you are done sanding clean really well and wipe on some wax and grease remover and check the shinny reflection for defects.
No, no glass. Man, 0ne time I thought I had it right. Cut and buff and man what a reflection. Bam dots. I'm thinking it may be possible that I am building the dots up from the primer and then the base is just coping.
Some clears once you have micro pop they can be difficult to get ride of without sanding down and sealing again. But this is usually just with some high build clears I have used.
When it comes time to do the clear I will be doing a part of the fender instead of the entire fender. If it is in the clear perhaps I will add 10% reducer. Practice, Practice, Practice.
Tbone is right if your primer is un catalyzed once in the sun your black paint would get hot and cause the primer to shrink and pinholes would reappear .
Even some good 2k primers will do the same so most of the time I will seal the whole panel or spot seal if blending the panel just to insure not seeing it shrink later. Also helps with sand scratches and making everything looks good and even. If possible post a close up pic.
If you have enough clear on it try to color sand it out again. Since it is uncatslyzed the bad thing is it will just keep shrinking though.