Who has a 10 or 9 second street driven TTA?

It was a Mark Jackson 17-row.I had Fairpark Machine,here in Akron, cut the necks off and put 20 row necks on it.
Wow! It's nice to finally see some of you guys posting your combos and what times you have run and are expecting to run....
Thanks to everybody that has posted on this thread :)

You going to race @ Norwalk? B.G?

I was gonna be there for Norwalk but I got a call last night that my Dad, who has been fighting cancer for a year, was told he only has 1-2 weeks left to live. So I'll be in PA for the weekend spending time with him.

Sorry to Hear that Keith,I wish you the Best.

Not going to either place,

Car is not ready yet,I am waiting on the painter to get it done,Just having some stuff touched up from what I tried to do last year.Trying to find some weight to take out also,hidden weight.

If it works it's gonna Lay something down,Laying the groundwork for your convertor stall choice:confused: I still don't know if it's gonna work

Gonna stay around here,Besides there's no class for my car at BG.It sucked last year Waste of money for me.The only reason I liked to go was to catch up with you guys,the Mississippi Crew and hang out.

Putting together a Mustang Combo that will make this car look stupid.Cept for No $$$
