Why can I only hit 25 psi???


Dec 14, 2003
I was running 30 PSI on 93/alky but recently I replaced my WG hose(wrong size,,replaced the T in there as well with the PROPER one) and with my hose plugged into the solenoid,I can only hit 15 PSI.Ive simply unplugged the hose to the solenoid to hit 25 PSI:eek:.Doesnt help when I crank the adj WG down and im certain its hooked up right(tried every way and I called someone and had him look at his to ensure I put mine on proper).

And my WG is an HD unit from Limit.I thought the HD WG's wouldnt go any lower than 18-19 PSI:confused:

Boost doesnt spike at all and its spooling fairly quick considering it has a stock convertor.;)
No exhaust leaks that I can tell(besides hole in the muffler which will get replaced soon).The adj acutator does NOTHING.Its 15 PSI or 25 PSI,nothing in between.
Make sure the t and the hoses are hooked up right, one crossed hos does funny crap
Im almost 100% certain that its hooked up right(tried everyway) but could you tell me which way again??
If the valve is always being forced open(because the lines are incorrect,It will cause this
Well the Y has an orfice in it. The orfice goes to the wastegate.

If you look at the "Y" the other top one goes to the compressor.

Bottom of Y goes to VC solenoid.
Make sure the puck is sealing. I'm having the same prob now! Can only make 15 psi of boost on my 65, cause the puck doesn't seal the wastegate hole.
Thanks guys.I think the Y is right but ill check tommorow to be 100%:cool:I have a new ATR DP with maybe 500 miles on it.The puck swings freely and my turbo was built for a TH style DP.I think if the puck wasnt sealing,I wouldnt be able to run 25 PSI with the solenoid unplugged:confused:
Originally posted by CallMeMud
Who the hell uses that solenoid? Hook it up tuner style!

The soleniod is a piece of crap. Do what Mud said and hook it up direct.:)
No, keep the solenoid! Maybe even add a second one if you are using a bstc :). Keep the ability to pull boost with knock :). The leg of the Y with the orifice should be the bottom looking at it like "Y", and should go to the compressor side of the turbo. The other two legs go to the actuator can and to the solenoid, doesn't matter which is where, and don't plug the other nipple on the solenoid, just leave it open or leave the little foam filter on it if yours is still there.
Thanks guys,ive got all the knowledgeable people responding:D

I did have it hooked up tuner style but I didnt really like it(crappy grainger valve,slow spooling)I guess ill order one from Qboost and see how it works.

As far as the solenoid,I had ordered a bstc and y cord but it was apparently lost in the mail,oh well.Ive got something thatll lower boost when my car knocks,its called pulling my foot off the gas;)Right now I have zero knock and my 02's are in the 820's running a TT alky chip and 25 PSI(thanks Julio!!!!),if sudden knock shows up,im sure itll be a serious problem(besides wheel spin).I cruise the car almost daily and always slowly roll into the throttle a few times before I go WOT. :)

Gonna check the car out now,ill post back with findings:cool: