Why isn't BUSH impeached?

I usually don't get into the political discussions but, I'll throw in my .02 since i was thinking about this last night.
When will people understand that our trip to Iraq was NOT a single person (Bush) choice??? The President has absolutly NO power by himself...jeeze...remember 8th grade Government class? They taught it there....

ALSO - who cares if Clinton got a hummer??? Since when did the Presidents personal life have anything to do with being the President...if they're doing a decent job, I could care less if they made internet porn. Fact of the matter is, he was caught and publicly put on trial for cheating on his wife - nothing but a witch hunt to deface the Democrats...I don't hear anyone complaining that JFK was getting all he could from anyone he could (and it was public knowledge!) when he was in office...

We as a public will NEVER know the facts of our invasion of Iraq. Quit trying to point fingers at a person. If you want some one to blame, blame the entire current administration if you don't like their decisions.

Saddam was a thorn in the WORLDS side and needed to be removed. The problem as I see it now is we're just loitering. We need to
A: Totally take over the country and run it as we see fit (treat it as an actual invasion, who cares what the world thinks of us now...).
B:Get Out and let them kill each other.

We need to quit trying to come off as good guys all the time and do SOMETHING

right now it's a simple case of "sh*t or get off the pot".

Nice "Flaming" red car you got there... make sure to drive it around Miami and southbeach with your shirt off...

The President has absolutly NO power by himself...jeeze...remember 8th grade Government class? They taught it there....

Hmmm.. only partly true. When a President (who has the MOST information than anyone) tells the NATION ON NATIONAL T.V. that Iraq has WMD and is an IMMANENT THREAT... it tends sway people. It did for me. I thought "Holy Crap! Immanent threat?!" Lets Invade!" But now... Hmmm seems like we were lied to.


Here is some food for thought.................

Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. "The intelligence from Bush 1 to Clinton to Bush 2 was consistent" in concluding Saddam had chemical and biological weapons and was trying to develop a nuclear capability, Clinton said this morning. And
Saddam's expulsion of weapons inspectors and "the behavior" of his regime "pointed to a continuing effort" to produce WMD, she added.

The senator said she did her own "due diligence" by attending classified briefings on Capitol Hill and at the White House and Pentagon and also by consulting national security officials from the Clinton administration whom she trusts. "To a person, they all agreed with the consensus of the intelligence" that Saddam had WMD.

Clinton isn't normally a defender of the Bush administration. And on other issues, especially Bush's handling of postwar Iraq, she was highly critical. But she agreed, with qualifications, that preemptive military action may be necessary in certain cases, as
Bush has argued was the case with Iraq.

Clinton's comments came during an appearance before dozens of reporters at a Wednesday breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. She had no trouble brushing aside questions about her own plans, if any, of running for president in 2004 or later, and she declined to assess other Democratic candidates or
discuss any role she had in creating the candidacy of General Wesley Clark. Clinton simply reiterated that she is not running in 2004 but that her "overriding goal . . . is to elect a Democratic president."
Hey 1Qwick 6, you might enjoy reading this:

MSNBC "Scarborough Country interview"

Conservative Pat Buchanan interviews Richard Perle Neocon hawk / presidential adviser PLEASE READ the follwing:

BUCHANAN: Many Americans are angry with President Bush and his administration because they feel they were misled by lines like this from my next guest—quote—“With each passing day he comes closer to his dream of a nuclear arsenal. We know he has a clandestine program, spread over many hidden sites, to enrich natural uranium to weapons grade. How close is he to nuclear weapons? We do not know. Two years, three years, tomorrow even?”

That and other statements by Richard Perle, former chairman of the

Pentagon‘s prestigious Defense Review Board and author of “An End to Evil:

How to Win the War on Terror,” now appear to have been false.

Richard, let me ask you, were you misled when you indicated that Saddam Hussein had uranium enrichment facilities operating in his country and he could have a nuclear weapon in one, two or three years?

RICHARD PERLE, FORMER ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Well, it now looks as if that information was incorrect, yes.

You had always to face the question, when you have a variety of reports, how much risk are you prepared to take? It‘s easy, in retrospect to say, well, that was wrong, we shouldn‘t have taken it seriously. We didn‘t take seriously other reports that turned out to be right and we paid a very heavy price for that.

BUCHANAN: Well, it certainly is true, if Saddam Hussein—and I was opposed to the war—if he were working on nuclear weapons, had an active program, and your statement were correct, I think the case becomes persuasive that you ought to go to war. Where did you get that information?

PERLE: Well, the information about his nuclear infrastructure was consistently reported by American intelligence. We didn‘t know the exact state of it. But we knew that he had had a program, that scientists had been trained for that purpose.

BUCHANAN: So, at Defense Review Board, you had access to American intelligence?

PERLE: No, this has nothing to do with the Defense Review Board.

BUCHANAN: All right, let me cite you something else here. And it‘s a statement by you, I believe, just a couple of months before that.

You cited Saddam‘s bombmaker, Khidhir Hamza—and that‘s the name of a book of his—in late 2001 as saying this. This is Hamza: “We began to build uranium enrichment facilities, many facilities, and we built 400 of them and they‘re all over the country. Some of them look like farmhouses, some of them look like classrooms, some of them look like warehouses. You will never find them.”

He lied to you, didn‘t he?

PERLE: Well, I don‘t know whether he lied or the report of the activities of which he had personal knowledge was no longer valid at the point at which he said that.


PERLE: I have no reason to believe he lied.

BUCHANAN: But, Richard, uranium enrichment facilities, unlike, say, anthrax, which you can move out of the country, maybe he had it. You‘ve got a uranium-rich facility and you‘ve got materials there that you can pick up afterwards. He says 400 of them. They‘re in classrooms. They‘re in warehouses. They‘re on farms and things like that. Our people went in there. They found zero.

PERLE: I understand.

I believe he was referring not to large installations, but to very small installations, a way of responding to the destruction of their nuclear reactor in 1981, where, as he related it, they built tiny little facilities in order to spread them around.

BUCHANAN: Have you talked to him after we went to war and said, listen, where the devil are these 400 uranium-enrichment facilities? I mean, they would have traces of uranium in them and everything.

PERLE: It appears that that information was incorrect. I‘m not prepared to conclude that he lied simply because he was incorrect. Not all errors are lies.

BUCHANAN: Four hundred facilities, Richard?

PERLE: Well, 400 places in which enrichment was taking place or could take place.

BUCHANAN: Before the war, you said—quote—“I think there would be dancing in the streets if Saddam were removed from power, and the reaction of the Iraqi people would be reflected in the attitude of the Arab world generally.”

We now find America has, by most surveys, the Pew survey and others, has never been more hated there. And, of course, there may have been dancing in the streets that first day. But there certainly is no dancing in the streets that we‘re there now. What happened?

PERLE: Well, there was indeed dancing in the streets at the liberation of Iraq. It was widely regarded as a liberation, except by those people who were in power with Saddam Hussein and clearly were facing a pretty bleak future.

We‘ve been there too long, in my view. We have become an occupying power. We should have transferred authority before now. And in order to facilitate the transfer before now, we should have gone into Iraq with Iraqis at our side. And I regret that we didn‘t do that. That was my strong preference.

BUCHANAN: Mr. Chalabi?

PERLE: Mr. Chalabi and others in the Iraqi National Congress.

BUCHANAN: All right, do you feel we should have gone in and transferred power quickly and then moved our forces out?

PERLE: No, I think there‘s an argument for our remaining there alongside the Iraqis, but not in a position as an occupying power, the situation that will prevail when we do hand over sovereignty.

BUCHANAN: All right, but, right now, we have a serious uprising in Fallujah, obviously, and Ramadi, the Sunni areas, and a much smaller, but intense resistance from Shiites under this al-Sadr. And it‘s got our people very much preoccupied and we‘re going to have to put in two more combat brigades, 6,000 to 10,000 more troops, going to hold over troops coming back to the United States.

Should the United States—we went in to get rid of Saddam and weapons of mass destruction. Should we fight a war in Iraq to build a democracy when it‘s quite clear this is going to be a long, extensive, bloody mess to do it?

PERLE: Well, I don‘t know that it‘s going to be a long, extensive, bloody mess. It‘s certainly not easy. No one ever said it would be easy.

If the question is should we now pack up and go home and leave Iraq in an unstable situation, the answer is no. If you want to see dancing in the streets, you‘ll see terrorists dancing in the streets if we are defeated in Iraq.

BUCHANAN: I think much of what the president said, if we were defeated, the consequences are exactly as he said them.

But I think there‘s a feeling on part of the American people that they were sold a bill of goods, that this was about taking down Saddam, who‘s a monster. And whatever he‘s got, weapons of mass destruction, we can‘t take the risk. And now suddenly we‘ve got mission creep. We‘re going to build democracy . And it looks like a bait and switch. Guys, they got us in there, and now they had another agenda and now they‘re putting through third agenda and there‘s nothing we can about it. Isn‘t there some justification for folks feeling that way?

PERLE: No, look, I think there‘s another way to look at this. And I suggest you look at it in this other way. And that is, we went into Iraq for all the reasons the president indicated and based on the best information that we had at the time.

Having gone into Iraq, having removed Saddam‘s regime, we are now encountering issues that have to be dealt with.

BUCHANAN: All right.

PERLE: This isn‘t bait and switch. There was no false reason put in front and a real reason behind it. We‘re responding to circumstance.


BUCHANAN: All right, if there‘s no bait and switch, who got it wrong? Who indicated that this would be a cakewalk, we would go in, get this done, you know, flowers in the streets—you saw the question the president was asked—and democracy would sprout in the Middle East and the Palestinians and Israeli would get together, all this hooey about all these wonderful things that were going to happen?

And now the Americans say, we‘re in a hellish mess. And I think they might agree with you in saying, we can‘t just walk out. Who made the blunder in Iraq?

PERLE: First of all, I don‘t accept the caricature of the argument that was made before.

There were errors about what we would find when we got there. There‘s no question about that. We did not find the weapons of mass destruction that we had every reason to believe Saddam had hidden. And the evidence for that came from the CIA and other intelligence organizations, not only ours, but those of our allies.

BUCHANAN: But weren‘t we misled about the kind of resistance we would run into? When you take a look at right now, a year later, casualties are escalating. They‘re running at about 160, 180 a month now in Iraq. No one predicted that.

Who made the mistake of thinking this would be a piece of cake?

PERLE: Well, I don‘t know that—I certainly didn‘t say it would be a piece of cake.

BUCHANAN: No, but I mean, who did? The president was


BUCHANAN: No, he was hammered the other night on this, Richard And people asked him, and he said, we‘ve had—it‘s been some tough weeks. Did he anticipate this?

PERLE: Well, you‘ll have to ask him what he anticipated. But I don‘t ever recall the president ever saying it was going to be a piece of cake.

BUCHANAN: Did you anticipate this?

PERLE: Did I anticipate that there would be resistance?

BUCHANAN: Like this?


Did I anticipate that we would have as many terrorists coming into the country and organizing their kind of suicidal resistance? I don‘t think that could have been foreseen.

BUCHANAN: Well, let me ask you, how long do you think we‘ll be in there fighting? How much treasure—I guess it‘s $150 billion for Iraq now. How many lives will it take before we get—quote—“the job done”? I guess that‘s build democracy and turn it over to the Iraqis and enable us at least to bivouac, go back to encampments and then pull out? How long?

PERLE: I can‘t answer that.

BUCHANAN: What would be your estimation?

PERLE: I don‘t know. I think that the handover of authority will significantly improve the situation, not on day one necessarily, but I think we‘ll see a rapid political change.


BUCHANAN: If we were back, say, in December of 2001 or before 2002, would you—I mean, would you have recommended as enthusiastically we go to Iraq as you did at that time?

PERLE: Yes. I believe we were right to go to Iraq. I think we were managing a risk. The risk was very real.

And the fact that we did not find the anthrax that we knew he had created and that he refused to account for doesn‘t change the fact that leaving him in possession of what we believed he had was simply too dangerous. We followed strong leadership.

BUCHANAN: Given the American people‘s—the declining support for Iraq and the fact that Kerry‘s moved ahead, solely, probably because of these two weeks, do you think President Bush is in peril of losing his reelection, at some peril in any event, because of the situation in Iraq, because he went to war in Iraq?

PERLE: I think the president‘s going to win this election, and I think the American people will give their approval to his steadfastness and resilience. If he were to pick up and leave now, then I think he‘d put his presidency at risk. And what does Kerry offer the country?

BUCHANAN: Not a great deal.



PERLE: He did vote with the president after he didn‘t vote with the president.

BUCHANAN: I know he did.

Thank you very much for coming, Richard Perle. We appreciate it. We hope you‘ll come back.

PERLE: Thanks.
Looks like Saddam was pretty slick.
I think Iran has a nuclear reactor,correct?
The US talked of attacking Syria next after Iraq.
Can anyone tie this together? :)
This is absolutely retarted. But instead of posting a huge paragraph about why this is incredibly ridiculous I have one short concise question for 1QUIK6...

Ignoring the issue of WMD's for a moment, why was it perfectly acceptable, and even necessary that we go into the Balkans and star a war to defend hundreds of thousands of muslims that were being slaughtered, but it is absolutely heinous and disgraceful that we go into Iraq and stop the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of muslims.

This outta be good...
...and the award for SPIN goes to....


Ignoring the issue of WMD's for a moment

#1 Off topic... please go TTT
#2 I am talking about GWB LIE, NOT Clinton, NOT Kerry, NOT Liberal/Conservative, NOT Muslims, NOT Saddam...

ONE TOPIC... G. W. Bush's LIE about WMD... that it... stick to the topic. I know many of your are public school students and are A.D.D. but try to stay with me here... there is only 1 thing I am talking about... The LIE. and why we are not outraged enough to IMPEACH GW Bush.:mad:
I don't feel that it was a lie. At the time, all of the information that was being given to President Bush pointed to the fact that Saddam did, in fact, have WMD's and/or the ability to produce them. And I fully agree. I think we need to look to Iraq's neighbors and we will find a LOT of WMD's. Now, if that information was incorrect, I wouldn't and don't put the blame on the President. He has MANY, MANY advisors. Start there. Saying that he lied seems to me like spin from the liberal side, I mean your side.
No WMD? Just ask some of the people he killed with them. Oh, wait, that won't work. All 60,000 of 'em are dead!!

Guess you'd like it better if he did that here on our own evil country!

Originally posted by SinistrV6
No WMD? Just ask some of the people he killed with them. Oh, wait, that won't work. All 60,000 of 'em are dead!!

Guess you'd like it better if he did that here on our own evil country!

WHOA - good point.

Originally posted by 1Quik6
Hmmm.. only partly true. When a President (who has the MOST information than anyone) tells the NATION ON NATIONAL T.V. that Iraq has WMD and is an IMMANENT THREAT... it tends sway people. It did for me. I thought "Holy Crap! Immanent threat?!" Lets Invade!" But now... Hmmm seems like we were lied to

Um - newsflash - the public doesn't have any power either (but I wish we did!). It wasn't by popular vote that we went into Iraq. It was the choice of a few people (Bush not being one of them).

Just because we haven't found any WMD doesn't mean they aren't there. There is absolute proof that Saddam had/has WMD (see post above). WMD is NOT just nukes.
Iraq is HUGE and Saddam buried everything when he knew we were knocking at his door.
Tell ya what - I'm going to bury a dime in a football field...I wonder how long it will take you to find it...

I still just think we should do SOMETHING and not NOTHING like we are now.
Originally posted by gn1220
I don't feel that it was a lie. At the time, all of the information that was being given to President Bush pointed to the fact that Saddam did, in fact, have WMD's and/or the ability to produce them. And I fully agree. I think we need to look to Iraq's neighbors and we will find a LOT of WMD's. Now, if that information was incorrect, I wouldn't and don't put the blame on the President. He has MANY, MANY advisors. Start there. Saying that he lied seems to me like spin from the liberal side, I mean your side.

I agree with that. My question is why wouldn't Saddam let inspectors in if he had nothing to hide. Why were some countries that selling things illegally to Iraq so much against a US invasion of Iraq? Where are the WMD's that are still unaccounted for and there is no evidence of their destruction???

Being mistaken and flat out lying are 2 totally different things that the ignorant can easily confuse. The only way GW could have known there weren't any WMD's in Iraq is if he would have had access to Iraq or known what was done with the WMD's that are currently missing.

My question is why wasn't Clinton impeached for all of his illegal dealings, and I am not reffering to the sexual acts??????
i agree with gn1220, no he shouldn't be impeached. like he said, how many surrounding contries are probably hiding crap for him? like they're going to tell us " yeah, we have his uranium and anthrax." bullcrap. why was it such a problem for inspectors to get in in the first place, then be thrown out? gee, that would make me think he has something to hide! i think we should have turned the whole area into a sheet of glass in 1991 instead of wasting BILLIONS of dollars, and losing our soldiers over people who don't give a crap about anyone else.:mad:
Oh my head hurts..........................................

How do you prove wether or not one man knew (HONESTLY KNEW) there were no WMD's?

Lie detector??? uummmm no, I don't think so.Trial??? then the finger pointing starts,followed by misdirection,smoke and mirrors.

It's not about wether he lied or not to me, it should be about what we are doing there now.........We need to get out and let the cockroaches sort themselves out.JMO- but I'm white trash so don't take it as the gospel.
Have you ever heard os someone shaping or expanding the truth( say telling a white lie to, say for instance, a chick whose pants you are trying to get into, maybe a little drunk at a bar ) to get what they want??

That is the analogy that fits here:D
Sure WMD was the "public" reason why we invaded Iraq. Humanity, democracy, terrorism and the New World Order are the real reasons we invaded Iraq.

It doesn't matter why we went in, the fact is something needed to be done about the middle east and it needed to be done immediately. Most people understand this and it's the reason why you're not seeing a big uproar(except by the dems since it's election time).

My Opinion

Chris S
Wartime presidents can't do anything right

Imagine all the hell the Bush administration would have caught if we launched a pre-emptive strike against Afghanistan and captured Bin Laden before 9/11. If Bush would have decided to stay out of Iraq and not go after Saddam, his opponents would have demanded his resignation. The only politicians in Washington DC who didn't feel that Saddam had WMD's, or that didn't feel he was a threat, are anti-war hippies anyway. Both the President and Mr Kerry spoke of Saddam and the threat of WMD's, but unlike Kerry, Bush is ignoring the polls and public opinion. Let's face it, if WMD's were to be found next week, there would be no apoligies from the Bush-haters. In this age of PC warfare, there will be the occasional aspirin factory bombing, or failed intelligence. By the way, as much as I disagreed with Clinton's policies and morals, I felt sorry for him when things went wrong militarily. And Bush is handling the criticism as well as any human being can be expected to. Sometimes I think about how close this nation came to having Algore as our Commander-In-Chief:eek: .