Wife's Dad passed away....



My wife's (Niki) Dad, Frank Pokladnik, passed away last night.

He developed what we thought was a benign hemangioma on his liver back in May/June. Well the original diagnosis was WAY OFF & turns out he had biliary duct cancer which had invaded 70% of his liver, his lungs, pancreas and several spots on his spine when the doctors finally got their act together & made the right diagnosis. By that time the only treatment available was pain management & his condition quickly deteriorated.

Sunday before last he was able to walk, talk, feed himself & be his usual grumpy self. In fact he came over to our house for a BBQ & was sitting in the living room grading papers (he was an adjunct professor in the business school at U of H Clear Lake, as well as a lawyer & Phd engineer) and planning a final cruise he wanted to take the entire family on (he loved to travel!)

Please keep his family in your prayers.

Doug C.
for sure Doug.........

Will keep both of your families, in our prayers, sorry for your terrible loss.

My condolences to you. I just got back from my grandmother's funeral earlier today, she passed away two weeks ago.

Her death was also very sudden, she had cancer and never told anyone that she felt sick at all. Then about a month ago she went to the hospital because her lungs filled with fluid and she was coughing badly. They diagnosed her there and told us to make her as comfortable as possible. She passed about two weeks after that.

It's very painful to lose a loved one, but keep remembering all of the good times everyone had together, all of the positive things that Frank did for his family as well as his friends. I hope everyone can stay strong, I will be praying for him. Take care.
My prayers are with you.
I lost my mother 5-28-03 8:15am of a heart attack at 67 years old.
Worst Day of my life!!!
Keep your family close, don't hide your pain/emotion and pray.
It took me a couple weeks to totally snap out of it. I still think about her every day but they are happy thoughts and memories now.

My god bless your family in their time of need.
Sorry to hear about that Doug........

Both of your families will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Take care.

Condolences from TB.COM

From all of us at Tb.com , we are sorry to hear of your loss.
I have been informed that Chris at CK Performance had a loss yesterday also. Condolences to the Kokonis family also.

Bruce & Cindy Toelle
All 10,000 + members at TB.COM
Sorry to hear of your loss Doug (and others) and wish you & your families the best thru all this. It is never easy, but it's a part of life none of us can ignore. I hope there are friends & relatives close by to ease the pain.

My best friend from waaay back is going thru a hard time too. He is closer to his mom than anyone I have ever met. She has been degrading health-wise for years & is getting real bad lately. She has been in & out of the hospital a lot lately, and they recommended a nursing home last week. Well, unless you are loaded or have super health care, you don't want to know what's out there. In a well recommended & nice facility, we found there is one floor for the paying customers, and a completely different floor for the medicare patients. She was quickly taken from there & is now being cared for at home. I just heard an hour ago that she fell again last night and is in the hospital again & they are keeping her for a while. They know of some health issues that cause her problems, but nothing to explain how bad she is now. I guess that's why they call it a medical "practice" :( My wife is a nurse, and I see all the good they do, but I really hate the medical profession and insurance/medicare people for what goes on "behind the scenes". Oh well, my anger there won't make anything better.
Unfortunately, I don't think his mom is going to be with us much longer, and it will devistate him. I just hope I (and others) can be there for him when he needs it the most. He will kick himself hard for never taking her on a cruise or to Hawaii like he wanted to.

My dad gave us a scare a while back too, and it has prepped me a little for the bad times to come. Make sure you tell everyone how much you love them & how much they mean to you every chance you get. If you don't have anything good to say, well, keep it to yourself. All the little things go a long way, and we all want to feel loved & special.
The best thing anyone can say when losing a friend or loved one is,
They lived a good life and were truly happy and loved, and will be missed by many.
Don't let regrets ruin it for you, there is never enough time to do or say ALL the things we want to. Just do what you can & the best you can, and know that should be good enough for anyone, including ourselves.
Hope something there eased some of the pain & wish the best for all.