WS-6 to a CBR 600....


May 13, 2002
Well the girlfriend and I headed out looking for some action a couple weekends ago and headed up to a local hangout. Well I went looking around at cars and saw a WS-6 Firebird and had never seen one up close so I checked it out, well the owner comes up and asked if the light blue camaro was mine and I said yes, he asked if I wanted to run so I said sure. So as start to turn around he aked what I had in it so being me I said "Oh it's just a V-6 with exhaust on it", so I hear him tell his budy he want's to race me with a V-6 and kind of snickering as he is saying it. So on the way to the place to run I told my girlfriend he is in for a big suprise!!!! So he let's his friend out of the car and he comes over and explains how he is going to get us started even, the guy in the WS-6 starts his burn out and I just sit there waiting not even bring boost up, he buddy starts us off and next thing I know he is about 5 car lengths behind me!!!:confused: So as I finish there are a group of people that had watched the whole thing so I roll up and I haven't even shut the car off yet when a guy comes over and say's "That is a fast car want to run a bike!!", so I said I would but looking at my girlfriend (which is loving the whole strap in and race deal) I better bring up some boost on this one because I will probably get beat on this one. We head back down to the line where we started just 10 minutes ago with the other race and he ask's how we start I tell him "well when I see your bike start to move I'm leaving", well while telling him this I'm holding the brake and giving it some gas up to 2 pounds of boost (anymore boost it would push the car). He starts to leave so I hammer it and we are out in front :D, Well we pass everyone and I still am in front but not by much, any further and I would have lost. We both turned around and went back to where everyone is sitting and he get's off the bike and ask's "Is that a twin turbo motor???", I said "You have the turbo part right but it's not twins and it's only a six cylinder." Then his come back was "I new I was FU$%^@ when you left and I heard something under the hood sound funny". But all in all it was a good night and the guy on the bike was a good sport about it the WS-6 guy I think was still wondering what the heck happened and why he got beat by a 6 cylinder:confused: !!!!!!
I can get them tonight and send them to you tomorrow by E-Mail, I have a digital camera so it won't be a problem..... :)
The camaro is an 89' with a GN motor, I decided to pull the V-8 and put in these nice V-6's and have loved it since I put it in!!! :D
That's an awesome sleeper combination you got there! Even people knowledgeable about the TTAs and V6 power would be caught off guard by something that "shouldn't" have Turbo 6 power. Beating a bike, that must've been a rush. Good thing you got him out've the hole, those things are deadly topend. Awesome kills, sounds like a fun night! :cool:

Quit bragging about beating other people with my chassis :)

Wait till my truck comes out next season buddy then it'll be 2 V6's waisting the pack. If you can't takem with the 10sec. car then they'll have to tangle with the 9second Truck :)
You missing the Mrs.? or back to single life the life?
Call meeeeeeee~~~~~