

Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
wtf is up with people, today after i left the school (only stoped by to say hello to the girl friend) i was heading to the shop to get some things done with the gn.

well, as i was driving along minding my own bussiness this guy named ALEX SALOR in his red honda civic hatch rolled past me with his thumb sticking down. i spooled the turbo alittle bit and rolled down the window as i pulled up next to him. i could see the fear in his eyes as i asked him if he wanted to run that thing or not, he replyed "well maby when i get a 38 TURBO" in a real smartassed tone and then drove off:confused:

im gona go in monday and start some **** with him when people are around and see how big his balls are. i seariously doubt that he will refuse to race a buick infront of 30 or so people, he knows hes gona get owned eather way so im gona throw alittle cash on the line.:p friggen moron. take in mind he dont know what a 3.8l is so i highly doubt that he knows exactly what a gn is.

i dont know him that good but hes still pissed because i puntched out a former friend 8 years ago and got his sister introuble with the law for swearving accross in to a oncoming lane to run me off the road.
Challenge him go to the nearest dragstrip so more people will be there to witness it and also there will be a fair start. See how fast he backs down like a puppy with his tail between his legs.
No way, tomorrow.. challenge him infront of as many people as possible. Don't let him wise crack his way out of it. Just stick to a race challenge.