Y are gn's such pieces of sh*t

My GN is pretty much stock with low original miles, and I haven't had any major problems with it.

It seems to me the people who suffer the most troubles are the ones who are highly modified, or who have rebuilt engines. Horror stories are enough to deter me from wanting to modify the car too much, I'm happy with how well it performs stock.

I think I'll leave the driveline alone, and mess with the suspension. :D
Ifyou think they suck so bad, sell it and get a Geo Metro or something - we could use the parts.

You don't go fast for free, and GN (I prefer TRs) are the best bang for the buck out there.
you know I used to go throught the same crap when I had my first gn. I was 17 years old and did not know anything about these cars. I had several problems with it. after many years I realized why I went through all that hell. I mean HELL and money, stalled,ran like ****, no power, fires,leaks, you name it!.
1-) when you get your motor rebuilt go to a highly reputable place. I now have a diff gn that needed a rebuilt motor. I went to RPE in CT. He is the freaking best.
2-) dont do half ass work and take your time.
I have 5000 miles on my new motor and combo, Never ever did it give me a problem. runs like an animal. I love my gn. dont blame it on the car. Blame it on the parts you choose and the people who touch it.

It sounds like you're in the place most of us were starting out. When you're young, you can't always afford the best pieces for your project. When you get to be an old fart you tend to buy the best quality stuff in order to save the grief of doing a job twice...or more. Or it could be that you've got really crappy luck ;).
I remember when I was eighteen or so a '65 Mustang that drove me to wits end by rolling the rearend housing on the leaf springs and busting the pinion yoke in half. The fourth time was the last time, I drug it home and parted it. I still miss that car...NOT! :D Anyway, hang in there, it's all part of the "learning curve" (I'm STILL learning). If you dump your G.N., you know you're gonna miss it:(.
you guys don't even want to know what i have had to replace over the years...i am only 20 and i have had my car since 16...let's put it this way, i WORK for my CAR...i would say about 50% of my total earnings since i have been working (since 18) have been spent on my car...every part possible has gone bad...hey at least i haven't replaced the crank yet!:D it gets annoying sometimes when crap goes out...but then again i kinda love it because i get to teach myself how to fix it...i don't go to school for auto mechanics or anything and i think i know 100 times more than most of those guys do just by working on my car all the time...it's fun to work on my car and buy parts for it and fix it up and make it faster...i turned my car from a dead stocker 2 years ago into a possible mid 11 second screamer! that's not bad i think...i will never part with my GN...if something goes out...oh well save the money and fix it!
hey man dont trip.....im 21 and have driven this car for only a year, and i already blew my wrist pins and now im rebuilding the motor because of it. My dad was original owner and ive seen how much **** u have to put up with, but u can't honestly tell me its not worth it. Everytime i go to the races or the track and i bump some metallica then smoke the crap out of some mustangs it doesn't make all of it worth it. Or when im driving with my GF and people hit me up in the middel of the street and ask questions, and some even offer to buy! But they know the deal this baby ant for sale and never will be! look at my sn.....I have totally been consumed by the DarkSide...When **** breaks now i record it, take a picture, and write it down just because i will have some info in case it happens agin. One thing i have definitly learned is LISTIN TO THE PRO'S! like people on this board who have been there and done that with their GN's motor. Im a GN Freak! Im learning about this car everyday when i work on it. I just relocated my battery for my P/S intercooler!!(Once agin THANKS BANNING! with out ur site i would have never thought of a P/S intercooler) and my tial 40mm wastegate!! Im dead stuck in GN fever and love every minute of it....And by the way be thankfull u dont live in southern cali were GN involvement is little to NONE!!.......21 y/o GN FREAK! from southern CALI!!!!! see u at California Speed Way!
hey what's don 3d! another young GN driver! SWEET! i too should be in the mid to low 11's after rebuild by summers end good luck with urs.
I know what your dealing with, i have done alot of work on my gn.
i bought my 1st in 1997, when i was 21, and since i have done:

turbo, going on 4th motor (1- 189k block, 2- shattered piston, 3- warped deck, 3 knock from blown head gaskets), no less than 7 rebuilt trans, no less than 6 head gaskets(turned out to be a short in my knock guage), 4 maf sensors(aftermarket rebuilds suck! using lt-1 now :D), ECM, radiater and heater core, all motor sensors had to be replaced at one time or another.

Thats not including everything i replaced by choice.

Like Turbox4 said, you have almost everything replaced by now. It would be stupid to give up now.

im gonna stick with it. but i just think of how i am 19 and how all of money i have put into this car could b used for so much other stuff. but i think it is worth it after last night pulling into a car show with the dump open and everyone stopping and looking with their jaw dropped that makes it worth it to me.
Just like most American cars built from the late 50s to the late 80s, these cars had solid engineering but crappy build quality.

An example, the '57 Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth line....

New torsion bar front suspension, great engines, and the best looks of that era. But, build quality blew, the then new unibodys rusted away with the slightest hint of salt, and there were rattles and squeaks galore.

Now, take the 86-87 Buick GN/Regal turbos. Awesome torque monster blown 231, good handling and ride, and an overall good looking automobile. But, again, crappy build quality, bad paint, cheap interior trim, rattles and squeaks, ect.

But, just imagine how good these cars could be with a loving owner who is willing to put some dollars into it. The basic foundation is there, most of those drawbacks can be fixed with some bucks.

Remember, there is a reason why a '87 GN at $15k could beat a '87 Porsche 928 at $50+k in a 1/4 mile sprint. So people who don't make $200+ a year could still buy a new car that was quick.
They had to cut corners to make it affordable.
Victa is right, good basic car, solid drivetrain. The build quality is questionable, tons of rattles etc. These cars are old now too, don't forget.

There has been tons of time for people to beat on it, put poor quality parts on it etc.

For an '80's American car, they aren't too bad. Keep your chin up.
When I was your age I had a '76 Cutlass that was beat, it was like an airplane, 7 hours of maintenance for each hour of use!

Mark F. 87 GN 11.9 @ 115
Well trb6gn, you could do like a lot of kids your age are doing. They are buying $20k Hondas and putting on $20k in add-on and still have crap breaking plus making $500 a month payments. The only lessons they are learning is how to put stick ons on their cars. The added bonus they have is, their cars look just like everyone elses. lol. Hang in there dude, and remember, the savings and value of a part isn't in how little it cost, but how long it last. Pay the bucks up front and I think you might be happier in the long run. Heck, Bruce's daily beater GN always goes and he has over 200k on it. And everyone knows how hard he drives. lol.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mark :D
Just so you know you aren't alone last saturday at the Walmart Cruise in Wallingford, CT there was an 80's Mustang that stalled right at the entrance to the parking area. He couldn't get it refired in about the 5 minutes I was watching.

The best was the hot girl in the front seat with him. She looked mortified. I was thinki8ng of picking her up that nite..She woulda gone with Jeffrey Dahlmer at that point.;)

Serioiusly, I don't reccomend these cars to my friends that have no tuning ability or no patience to learn. These cars, especially when modified are very fickle. When you have all the electronics like you have on todays cars, there is alot to go wrong, and it makes it harder to diagnose and fix. These cars are a chore to own and drive, especially again, when modded, that is why it has to be a labor of love (but that doesn't mean you can't throw tools and get pissed now and again).
smoking is bad

Originally posted by rick cain
Mine likes to smoke at gatherings like car shows or in other social settings., as long as people are noticing car. Get it home and it wont even begin to smoke.

Smoking is bad for your cars health, You need to start with it slow and come down slowly, before you know she will have quit.

At least that is what the tv ad said. everyday smoking kills 1200 people, wonder how many cars it kills?