You can't make this shit up..


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
Guy in Seattle calls 911 to report the cops that are chasing him are in violation of the law.. that says they can't pursue him .. you know what happens next...:X3::X3:

Unbelievable...The DOJ IS COMING for free speech so get ready for it because they have been weaponized.. what is the crime? You disagree with them in any shape form or fashion and they will try to bury you. :poop::mad::poop::mad:


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Gotta ask yourself exactly what do the powers that be gain from destroying the middle class ? After all we are the ones that really pay the bills and make this shit show turn... I have thought about that for a long time and it is not leading me to a free America as we now know it.
Said it before and will say it again.. they are simply replacing us and if you don't like it you can fuck off as far as they are concerned ..they are not even trying to hid it anymore.
There are millions in the middle class as compared to the 1% class.
Obviously, all of those in control, are in the 1%.
So, they reduce the middle-class clout, via various control methods, to the poverty level.
IE: fraudulent elections, illegal executive orders, misuse of the "ABC's", selective enforcement of current laws, judicial misconduct, etc. The list goes on and on.
The results are, they have far fewer to control, when they have the majority reduced to "subject level" existence.

A quote:
Outside of the Constitution we have no legal authority more than private citizens, and within it we have only so much as that instrument gives us. This broad principle limits all our functions and applies to all subjects.

Andrew Johnson
Obviously, the 1% is operating well outside this supposition. They have, to some degree, for close to 250 yrs.
Until the middle class "cleans house" it will only get worse.
Wouldn't it be a much better nation, if the 1% actually operated under Andrew Johnsons statement?

Back under my rock....
Gotta ask yourself exactly what do the powers that be gain from destroying the middle class ? After all we are the ones that really pay the bills and make this shit show turn... I have thought about that for a long time and it is not leading me to a free America as we now know it.
Said it before and will say it again.. they are simply replacing us and if you don't like it you can fuck off as far as they are concerned ..they are not even trying to hid it anymore.
This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, if it is even salvageable.
When Obama made gay marriage legal, it opened the flood gates for every nut job, crazy , liberal theory and idea to be foisted upon us, then indoctrinate our kids with them, and then, tragically, made the "Law of the Land", so to speak.

We are going to Hell in a Hand Basket and these fools like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and the Unions are leading the charge.

Make sure to vote in November!