Your favorite beater car stories.


About done
May 25, 2001
Most of us on here have owned a beater car at least one time in our lifes. And many of us that have owned them have done some very stupid, funny, or interesting things in them. So what were your favorite beater cars you ever owned and what story do you have to tell about them?
89 plymouth voyager 2.5L. did a 540 in it once, at night. Was cruising down a two lane road at night that narrowed into a 1 lane road, didn't see the barricades for the ending lane until I was 50' from the trees. Slammed on the brakes, jerked the wheel over and hoped there was no traffic. I squeezed between cars on -both- sides of the road, and wound up facing the other direction in the other lane. I pulled off into a neighborhood to calm down and collect my senses. I thought my heart would never stop pounding in my chest. For the money, it was a decent ride. Was of course never very popular, owning a van, but it was only $2k and lasted me a few years. Fell asleep in the bastard one day coming home from uni, rear ended someone (cosmetic damage to a caddilac involved in the like 4 car wreck. was probably lowest damage ever for a 4 car wreck. was just damn dominoes). No more driving tired after that. Eventually the thing blew a headgasket (2.5L mitsu I-4 is notorious for leaking at one specific spot, and this one did). I didn't catch it in time, it sucked up coolant and snapped the crank. After that, I figured it was a write-off and got rid of it. Better than that car though was a friends 1.0L 3 banger geo metro. That little suzuki can take a BEATING. The owner didn't know how to drive or drive a stick when he bought it, and was basically chicken. It wound up being sort of like a community car and insurance was split on it something like 6 ways. It had been going 90 downhill before with a good backwind, heh. Tried to convince a friend in it once that I could recover from a slide b/c of my gokarting experience. He doubted, so I just HAD to show him up. I forgot though when I pulled the brake to start the slide that the button would lock the brake on, and I didn't hold my thumb in and shove the brake back down. Cars I've done it on before didn't have the button, they'd be errr 'tweaked' to not have it. Anyway we had an interesting little off-road adventure in the geo b/c of that. No damage to car or property, so all was good. Boy I've done some STUPID stuff in cars. sigh.